
Friday, September 19, 2014

Healthy Natural Hair Growth

Important factors that contribute to healthy hair : Eating habits, scalp, ends, products and maintenance. And another important note is Ethnicity does not determine growth rate or texture, your genetic background does.  So regardless of what race you might be, hair is hair and hair grows.

HEALTHY FOODS -  Eating healthy foods will nourish your hair from within and contribute to healthy hair growth. Most people find their hair grows when they start taking vitamins or "hair growth vitamin". I'm not a fan of  pills unless its absolutely necessary and if I do take them it has to be natural & with quality ingredients. Avoid junk foods (occasional eating is okay), avoid sugary drinks especially sodas and drink enough water to ensure your hair gets moisturized from the inside.
   The best easy way to get most vitamins or nutrients would be with juicing, get yourself  a good juicer, purchase a variety of vegetables and fruits. Get juicing! My favorite juice - Organic carrots, organic apples, organic lettuce, beets, broccoli and a touch of ginger. Engage your kids in the juicing process and have them choose their fruits & vegetables. If your child is a picky eater like mine, sneak in vegetables in meals by blending them - then freezing in cubes - then add them when you cook meals. There are so many healthy foods now being geared towards kids, I encourage you to go into whole foods, trader joes, fresh market and other healthy food stores. Also do not forget protein and healthy fats like avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts(almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew e.t.c), omega 3 fatty acids - from fish like wild salmon, trout, mackerel and from plant source such as flax seeds. Choose healthy snacks for you and your family also. 

   SCALP -  Maintaining a healthy scalp is absolutely crucial to having a healthy hair. Your scalp just like your skin needs to absorb water, air and be clean. Most individuals experience dry scalp and sometimes its caused by lack of exfoliation/unclean scalp, high ph, lack of moisture. Using shampoo will get your hair clean but it will not exfoliate your scalp. You use a body scrub or dry brush on your skin to remove dead skin cells right? Then why not do the same with your scalp.  When using a shampoo, ensure your fingers are scrubbing your scalp. Avoid shampoo with chemicals and a good moisturizing one. How often should you shampoo? Every hair is different and there is no rule as to when you should shampoo. Some do not use shampoo and stick with the no poo method. The hair standard is to shampoo every 7 days, does this apply to you? Not necessarily, your hair will definitely let you know when its time to.    
     Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will help balance the pH of your hair and remove the buildup from using products. I love organic raw apple cider vinegar and keep bottles of them. Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will also close the numerous cuticle scales which cover and protect the surface of each hair shaft. This imparts a smoother surface which reflects more light and as a result leaves your hair shinier, smoother and easier to manage. You basically use this after using a shampoo & especially after using a shampoo bar.  The acids and enzymes in ACV kill the "bottle bacillus", a bacteria that is one of the causes for many scalp and hair conditions such as dandruff, itchy scalp, hair loss and often baldness. The bacteria clogs hair follicles allowing dry crusts to form that itch and flake.

ENDS - Hair trim / hair dusting as it is often called is just lightly getting the dead ends off your hair. Can you imagine your hair's condition if you went without a trim for years? Everyone needs a trim including kids. Kids should have their first trim by the age of 3.  It defeats the purpose of growing long hair, right? Wrong. While the initial service can be painful and discouraging, when you trim away old ends which are doing nothing for your style, you make way for healthy, stronger hair.  Fresh ends encourage curl formation and prevent breakage. Dusting / trimming your ends should be done at least every 3 months. Also I would recommend applying a light oil/pomade/serum to your ends at night to protect them.

MOISTURE -  I grew up being told to avoid using water in hair except when using a shampoo / conditioner, due to my kinky hair type and it could cause frizz. No Bueno! Hair needs moisture, it needs water or any type of liquid mist to moisture your hair and support  healthy hair growth. Please note applying oil on your hair/scalp WILL NOT add moisture back into your hair. Hair is porous and some hair types are more porous than others. If you have low porosity, you will notice it takes a while for your hair to absorb water and products just seem to sit on top of your hair.  Avoid using too much oils, products with low ph, use glycerin or glycerin based products, if using the no poo method - use baking soda rather than apple cider vinegar. And get into the habit of steaming your hair regularly. 
     A normal porosity hair type means your hair can hold in moisture easily and shine.  While a high porosity hair type means your hair has been exposed to severe damage most likely from excessive heat or relaxing often or much chemicals. Your hair will probably lose moisture quickly while being absorbed easily. Hair types like these will benefit from aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, oil rinses/prepoo, avoiding excessive heat or relaxing often.
    Do not over saturate your hair with oils or excessive hair creams. Use a good moisturizing shampoo, moisturizing conditioner and then a good leave in/serum/cream. I'm sometimes guilty of being heavy handed :-).  Let your hair guide you as to when it lacks moisture! You should get in the habit of using a deep conditioner every time you shampoo! Apply on to damp hair and then use a good hair steamer/plastic cap. 
   If you have relaxed hair, DO NOT try to do a wash and go. And also DO NOT air dry. Relaxed hair is designed to be heat dried and air drying will encourage dryness/frizz. So you can lightly blow dry but ensure you use a heat serum before using a flat iron. Relaxed hair types do have raised cuticles and heat drying smooths them preventing dryness while increasing shine.

PRODUCTS - Choosing good products will also aid in a heatlhy hair growth. Look for products with essential oils such as peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, cedarwood, clary sage and lavender all which will promote hair growth. Herbs such as neem, burdock root, nettle, horsetail, ginseng. parsley, calendula, marshmallow and green tea. Pro vitamin b5 is also great in strengthening the hair follicles. My favorite Jakeala products are:
Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo
Hair Rinse - Use after using a shampoo bar / after using a shampoo
Nappy Hair Butter - Use as a conditioner or leave in hair cream
Amla Shea Castor Parfait - Great for pre poo and Kinky hair types especially type 3 or 4.
Coconut Hair Juice - Great leave in hair spray with coconut milk
Silky Castor Hair Oil - I use this with Coconut hair juice especially on my daughters hair, daily and when detangling.

MAINTENANCE - Maintaining your hair is essential to having a healthy hair. So a summary - Using a good moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and leave in/serum.  

Choose a tablespoon of your favorite herbs, After you've decided which herb(s) will get the job done, follow the steps below:
Place the herb(s) in a pitcher (glass is ideal).
Pour boiling water over the herb(s), cover, and steep for 10-20 minutes.
Strain the mixture and allow the liquid to cool.

Pour over your head after your regular shampoo, condition, and detangling session. Do not rinse.  
You can purchase good herbs from

And to purchase any products listed go to


Monday, September 1, 2014


One of my favorite pastries is meatpie as the britains call them or empanada as spanish call them. I used to make the dough from scratch and I had to find a easy way to make them without going through so much hassle. And the answer is "Pie Crust" YES! Any pie crust from the grocery store would do , I prefer Pillsbury or the Trader Joe's pie crust usually by the freezer or next to the butter aisle.

1 Pie Crust package
1 lb of ground turkey, chicken or beef
1 1/2 cup of veggie mix -(carrots, peas and corn)
1 potato
2 tbsp of oil
1/2 cube of knnor chicken or flavor god everything seasoning
1 teaspoon of thyme, curry and oregano
dash of black pepper
1 egg beaten with a touch of milk added
 A small bowl  of water set aside

1. Peel the potato, cut into cubes and boil in water. Once soft, drain the water out
2. Get your pie crust ready, easy way is to cut into half or 4 depending on how small you want the pie to be. see below.

3.  Add the oil in a frying pan preferably non stick. Make sure your beef/chicken/turkey is completely thawed out. For vegans, you can used only veggies and potato.
4.  Add your protein and saute until slightly brown still pink but not completely cooked because we want them to fully cook in the pastry. Then add the veggies and potato. If your potato is a little big, then feel free to smash it a little to break it up. Then add your spices.

5. Turn off the stove and move the pan away from the heat. Allow to cool down
6. Then add the filling in the center of each crust. see below

7.  Take the bowl of water and with clean hands or a brush, slightly dampen the space where the filling is by the edge with water, why? to seal the edges basically.
8. Fold the crust over and then take a fork to seal again gently see below

9. Once all are sealed with the fork, then slightly pierce the center of the pie, to create holes and the steam to come out. 
10. Then brush the pie with the beaten egg mixture.

Bake for 15-25 minutes at 360. Once baked it will be brown in color. Bon Appetit!

Have fun you can also use them to make sausage rolls, fill them with fruits or anything you wish.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dealing with Unforgiveness, Depression and Infertility

I know it's been a while I wrote but I felt the need to address the issue of forgiveness and why not forgiving can create a hindrance within ourselves. Choosing to forgive daily does come with a price tag - of getting over hurt, grief, pain and imbalance.  We as humans tend to over up our emotions and push it to the side, while in reality it breaks out spirit within.

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart improves the body and a depressed spirit dries the bones.."

Unforgiveness can cause depression and break your spirit. When emotions are blocked they will vibrate to a corresponding organ system. it is important to remember that it is normal to experience the full range of emotions. It is only when a particular emotion is experienced over a prolonged period or with particular intensity that it becomes a source of imbalance. Depression can stem from anger, rage, bitterness, sadness, not feeling loved/wanted. In a more long-term view, suppressed anger or frustration often causes liver qi to become stagnant; this might result in depression or menstrual disorders. Too much thinking or obsessing about a topic can also deplete the spleen, causing a stagnation of its qi. Sadness or grief affects the lungs, producing fatigue, shortness of breath, crying, or depression. A person with this condition may exhibit such symptoms as poor appetite, forgetting to eat, and bloating after eating. A person who worries too much "carries the weight of the world on his/her shoulders,"

When the Qi/Emotions and blood are blocked and not flowing smoothly symptoms such as endometriosis, blocked tubes, blood clots, premenstrual cramping and pain, and irregular menses can occur. The Liver is important in reproduction largely because of its role in menstruation. During the premenstrual period the Liver shifts the Blood flow from other body parts to the Uterus. Right before menstruation, when the Liver is busy directing the body to menstruate, it has a tendency to neglect its other functions of keeping the Qi and emotions flowing smoothly. As a result, the emotions are no longer able to flow freely, and depression, anger, sadness, weepiness, or any combination is experienced. There may be headaches, breast pain, cramps, and a wide variety of other physical and emotional symptoms. Blockage in the Liver system is a most eloquent description of why pre-menstrual tension and its associated symptoms occur. At this time any Liver obstruction will cause Qi and blood to "back up" or stagnate. If the channels remain blocked, the flow of energy to the Uterus will be impeded, and then the menses are associated with pain and cramping. When diagnosing patterns that are preventing conception, it is absolutely essential to assess where there are blockages in the Liver and Gallbladder.
         When the Liver system is not functioning smoothly, the hormonal system is not either. The Uterus itself can become a toxic environment, hostile to implantation. Excess estrogen is not metabolized effectively and can build up, because it is the liver that metabolizes hormones. (It doesn't help that there is a preponderance of synthetic estrogen in our diet, and even in the products we apply to our skin.) Estrogen dominance is implicated in conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and cancer. Most women with these diseases are diagnosed with an element of Liver  stagnation.

      During my 4 year wait  of wanting to get pregnant, God began to bring to the surface about forgiveness and letting go. I was sad depressed and cried out to him, then he began to remind me of my unforgiveness. I had been through so much hurt, sadness and pain from the past that I just covered up those feelings without really letting go. I literally broke down in tears and truly forgave the parties. As I began to forgive, I free and finally got a positive pregnancy test but then miscarried. However, since Ihad spent months on forgiving, I refused to allow the loss make me bitter/stop the flow.  Forgiveness is not an easy task and it will never be. You might say hey how do I forgive,where do I start; I have been through rape, abuse, messy divorce, hurtful things said, humiliation and betrayal. Most times we think it would go away but it never really does, you can pretend all is well but it never really is. In many cases of abuse, we can see that depression is merely a cover-up for suppressed anger and guilt. When we are depressed, we dwell on negative thoughts about ourselves or our perpetrators. In turn, those negative thoughts cause further depression. It becomes a downward spiral which we often feel is uncontrollable.
               People who have been emotionally abused usually suffer from depression and anxiety long after they end unhealthy relationships. Many researchers believe that depression and anxiety surface as a result of suppressed anger toward our abusers. From a clinical perspective, depression often occurs when the brain cannot hold onto serotonin, the feel-good chemical that our bodies naturally produce. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are drugs that were designed to block this 'leaking' of serotonin from our brains. From an internal perspective, depression is a turning away from the outside world and closing down to everything other than self. I've suffered from depression, and I know how it feels to be so emotionally isolated that nothing seems worth doing anymore. There have been times when I didn't want to eat, sleep, play, or even breathe anymore. I saw myself as a worthless creature, taking up space on a planet where I had become obsolete.
   First step is to start now - Are they any unresolved emotions that you haven't dealt with and placed on the back burner? Is there something from your past that still fuels that anger or depression? Most times we get thoughts/flashbacks and then a sudden rush of emotions. If you do feel anger, resentment, sadness or depressed then you really haven't gotten over it.

1. Deal with unresolved anger, sadness or whatever issues from the past by writing down what it could be. And then ask yourself why you are still feeling such way.
2. Find someone who you trust to talk about the situation - this is crucial because talking about it actually now opens the door to forgiveness meaning if you can talk about it then you can certainly let go of it.
3. Tell God you forgive, ask him to forgive you of harboring such & help you be whole. If you are a believer ask God to show you any unresolved issues, give you the grace to forgive and heal the hurt/pain/grief.
4. If you can talk with who caused such grief & let them know it did cause you pain but you choose to forgive them and move on. This was a very hard step for me but I chose to do it anyways because this would also cause them to reflect on their action & hopefully choose  to act better.
5. Never allow your mind dwell on the hurt anymore, thoughts or flashbacks will happen but the key is refusing to dwell on that emotion and think positive. Act positive, live positive and force yourself to be positive. "I have forgiven them, God has forgiven me and I have moved on."  Say that to yourself anytime your ind tries to play tricks on you.
6. At least twice a week, find ways to destress -  getting a massage, taking a bath, meditating on positive words & scriptures, praying, listening to worship music, talking walks.
7. Live a healthy life - avoiding sugary foods/drinks, refined carbohydrates, refined or junk foods, practice a habit of juicing  especially carrots, beets and apple(carrots are great for detoxifying the liver), Eating small, easily digestible meals - sitting down, chewing thorough, Avoid too much cold foods, drink water - not with meals, Eat frequent, small meals. This keeps the blood sugar levels more stable and inhibits adrenaline release. Use spices that move the flow , like peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, turmeric, and thyme. Most times avoiding drinking milk also helps not necessarily though. Do not overeat. Try to avoid heavy, hard to digest foods like nuts, peanut butter, butter, animal fats, too much meat, and too much bread. Avoid foods with preservatives or chemicals.
8. Avoid harboring anger and resentment. Feelings of frustration and internal emotional tension need to be resolved as soon as possible, as any stagnated emotion can inhibit the Qi mechanism.
9. Laugh often. Watch comedies or funny movies to release any stuck internal feelings.
10. Avoid food with GMOs especially soy foods, I realized I was had too much estrogen & made sure to avoid estrogen foods. And also avoid chemicals like bleach or cleaning products with fumes. 
11. Do light massages with your fingers below the navel- Only for women* this will help improve blood flow and help with any stagnation/blockage. This is also important for anyone that has had surgery as those adhesion's can cause stagnation. 

    And the truth of  the matter is you will always have someone who will try to hurt you emotionally or do things to make you sad. It's part of life and living above anger/sadness/depression/hurt/grief shows maturity.It's most times those that are close to us that say hurtful things but CHOOSE to FORGIVE.

*Note I'm not a medical expert but this is based on my experience, do consult with a doctor if need be before making any dietary changes.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

DIY Bronzing Chocolate Whipped Body Butter - Natural Sun Tan Look

Warning!! Do not attempt to eat because you will be tempted to :-)

This is a great body butter for those who would like to have a natural bronzing butter and also achieve that sun tan glowing look.


1 cup (8 oz) shea butter
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup good olive oil
1/4 cup mango butter
1-2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder
1 Tablespoon cornstarch/arrowroot powder
1 teaspoon naturally-derived Vitamin E oil (optional) (find GMO-free Vitamin E oil)
5-10 drops essential oil (I used peppermint) or fragrance oil



  1. Using a double boiler (or a small bowl that fits over a small pot), melt the shea butter, mango butter and coconut oil on low heat. When they become completely liquified, remove from heat. Let cool for 30 minutes.
  2. Then mix in the olive oil, cacao powder, arrowroot powder/cornstarch, essential oil and vitamin E.
  3. Place the oil mixture in the freezer to firm up.
  4. When the oil mixture is partially solidified, remove from freezer and whip the partially-solidified mixture until peaks form. (The consistency will be like whipped butter!)

  1. Scoop into a clean, glass jar or container.


You can always substitute the butters for any other butters like murumuru, coffee, aloe and much more. You can purchase your butters from Amazon, Ebay and Mountain Rose Herbs.

Too lazy to make it? Then purchase it from my etsy shop

Monday, January 27, 2014


I came up with a blend of balm for women who would like to soothe their discomfort during menstruation and those with infertility to promote balance.

Lemon Balm aka Melissa: It is also a very good remedy for the reproductive system, relaxing spasm causing menstruation cramps, and relieves irritability and depression associated with PMS. Lemon balm also regulates the period and has been used traditionally to relax and strengthen women during childbirth and to bring on the afterbirth. Both postnatally and during menopause lemon balm can relieve depression.

Other ways to handle PMS:

Avoid junk, bad fats, lots of juices and sodas

Increase your vitamin d and calcium

Weeks before  eat good protein, veggies and the above

Essential oils can’t “fix” every problem, but below are some essential oils we’ve learned that have been found helpful when dealing with infertility.
Endometriosis: Geranium, Cypress, or Clary Sage
• Mix 1-2 drops essential oil with 1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil; apply to abdomen or feet
Frigidity: Clary Sage or Ylang ylang
• Mix 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; massage on hips and lower back
Infertility (General): Clary Sage, Jasmine, Rose
• Mix 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; massage on hips and lower back
Lack of Sexual Desire: Ylang ylang, jasmine or Rose 

• Mix 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon carrier oil; massage on hips and lower back, and/or wear as perfume
Scanty Period/Amenorrhoea - Fennel, Melissa, Lavender, chamomile

• Mix 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon carrier oil; massage on hips and lower back, and/or wear as perfume
Libido (increase): Clary Sage, jasmine, rose or Geranium
• Mix 1-2 drops essential oils with 1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply to temples, neck, and wrists
Reproductive System Support: Geranium, Clary Sage, or Rose
• Apply 2 drops essential oil to lower back, lower abdomen near public bone, ankles, and bottoms of feet. If skin is sensitive, dilute with 1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil
Sterility: Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Sandalwood, or Rose
• Combine 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Massage on lower back and abdomen


Hormone Regulation: Clary Sage or Sandalwood
• Dilute 1-2 drops in 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; apply to testes and to bottoms of feet
Impotence: Clary Sage, Juniper, Cypress, Melissa
 • Combine 4-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Massage on lower back and abdomen
Infertility (General): Basil, Juniper or Clary Sage
• Mix 4-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; massage
Lack of Sexual Interest: Ylang ylang, Rose
• Mix 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon carrier oil; massage on lower back and abdomen, and/or wear as cologne
Libido (Increase): Ginger
• Combine 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; massage on lower back and abdomen, and/or wear as cologne
Reproductive System Support: Clary Sage, Geranium, Fennel, Melissa, Bergamot
• Apply to lower abdomen near pubic bone, and to the area between the scrotum and rectum. If skin is sensitive, dilute with 2 teaspoons fractionated coconut oil
Sterility: Clary Sage, Geranium, Juniper, rose or Sandalwood
• Combine 3-5 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Massage on lower back and abdomen

 Consult a physician before use and avoid use if pregnant. You can purchase essential oils from Ananda Apothecary.
to purchase check my moon time balm


So we finally are gluten free, yay!! I am not a vegan yet  but do consider myself a vegetarian or pescatarian. I eat mostly organic if possible and eat whole foods(nothing fat free or low fat) in small portions. Anyways we tried Trader Joe's ghee and we are in love! It should not be stored in the fridge and it tastes like fresh churned butter. Great on bread, pasta and good for cooking/baking/roasting. I believe it costs around $3.00+4.00 not sure though and you only need 1 tbsp for cooking.

And the good news is additionally, people allergic to milk protein can generally consume ghee. Yes! Since I no longer drink Cows milk, this is good news to us. If you have a cholesterol problem, then use ghee and butter in moderation. Otherwise, ghee and butter actually protect against arteriosclerosis as long as the overall diet is healthy. Consumption of refined, processed carbohydrates and fats are primary triggers of heart disease. Additionally, butter and ghee are rich sources of vitamin A and also contain vitamin D.

When butter is cooked long enough for the water in the butter to completely evaporate and for the milk solids to brown and produce a nutty flavor, you get a butter product called ghee. Ghee has a long history in Indian culture-and many other parts of the world!-for its use not only in meal preparation, but in holistic remedies as well. If you’ve never tried ghee, you may want to consider it for one of these delicious or healthy applications:

Use ghee to fight inflammation: Ghee has been shown to reduce leukotriene secretion and reduce prostaglandin. Prostaglandin levels and leukotriene secretion both play a role in inflammation, which can not only lead to unpleasant physical reactions (redness, swelling, itchiness, etc.), but it can also accelerate the aging process.

Ghee aids in ensuring proper digestive health as well. Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as a topical cure for blisters and burns, ghee may also help in minimizing stomach acid while simultaneously repairing the gut’s lining. In fact, practitioners of said system of traditional medicine recommend ghee to those who suffer from peptic ulcers. Ghee, being entirely made of fat, helps in the production of digestive enzymes as well. When the latter are in balanced levels in the body by way of eating ghee regularly, then problems such as indigestion may be minimized.

And much more! So try some Ghee today!