
Saturday, June 30, 2018

DMV EVENT Infertility - Be Fruitful & Made Whole

If you live in DMV area join me & the ladies listed for our infertility conference.

Join us as we have a heart to heart talk on infertility, adoption, miscarriage, loss, mental struggles, natural treatments, herbs, fertility nutrition, pcos, pms,pcos, endometriosis, loss, ivf and much more. Whatever your journey is, YOU are INVITED! God has not forgotten about you. Come and be refreshed.

Every woman's infertility journey is different but it is very important to stay whole or sane during the process. The question is - How? Our goal is to encourage women battling infertility, emotional / mental issues and struggling to stay afloat that we can waddle through every storm. We recognize that wholeness comes from fixing every broken piece within from infertility, emotional issues, nutrition, physical issues, and mental issues.
Gift bags would be given to every attendee. Thanks to our amazing sponsors.

This is a free event and light refreshments will be served.
Only 18 spaces left! Registration is required for attendance!

Register here

Friday, June 22, 2018

Natural cures for Fibroids

Fibroids are over growths of fibrous tissue and/or muscle that occur in and around the womb walls and are classified as non-cancerous tumours (or uterine myomas). They tend to grow within the muscular layers of the womb or sometimes around the cervix or fallopian tubes. They appear in approximately 2 out of every 5 women of menstruating age and usually shrink (or at least stop growing) after the menopause is complete.
  They are relatively common and, if small, can remain unnoticed and symptom free. Problems and symptoms can arise if there are multiple fibroids or if they grow large in size. Symptoms can include dull pain in the pelvis or bladder region, heavy bleeding during or between periods, painful penetrative sex, bowel problems (due to pressure on the bowel), frequent urination, infertility, repeated miscarriages, abdominal swelling (if large) and lower back pain. Mostly caused by estrogen dominance. 
There appearance and growth is thought to be linked to an excess of oestrogens in the body although being overweight, not having children, early puberty and being of afro-caribbean descent all increase the likelihood of their formation.
Conventional treatment for problematic fibroids consists of hormonal treatments, physical removal of the fibroid in some form or hysterectomy.
Herbal treatments and natural healing aim to shrink the fibroids using hormonal balancing herbs, improve energy and circulation to and from the womb and relieving symptoms where possible.

Uterine fibroids are hormonally responsive; estradiol and progesterone stimulate their growth, and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists shrink them. Phytoestrogens, including isoflavones and lignans, can act as weak estrogens or antiestrogens.

Lignans act as anti-oestrogens and can cause the fibroids to shrink in size. Lignans bind to your estrogen receptor sites and reduces total estrogen activity. 

Food Sources of Lignans:

Seeds and Nuts -
Sesame seeds which is the most effective, followed by flaxseeds (use ground), pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts are excellent sources of lignans. 

Wholegrains - 
   Rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, oat bran and have shown very promising results in treating fibroids for many women. Best way to consume is to make a morning hot cereal of almost all the ingredients and eat it often. I love rye hot flake cereal from vitacost, oat bran, rye hot flakes and hot buckwheat from vitacost which I make into a pudding with my almond milk.

Vegetables - 
    Eat lots of dark leafy organic vegetables and fruits as much as you can. I currently eat 70% vegan and 30% animal protein. Broccoli, curly kale, mustard greens, brussel sprouts, carrots, sweet peppers, cauliflower, red potato and much more. Fruits like apricots, apples, grapes, plums, peach, strawberries, pears, nectarines, cranberries, pink grapefruit and cherries. Beans such as adzuki, kidney beans and lentils.

Take resveratrol, a pigment found in red grape skins, causes a potent "anti-fibrotic" effect by reducing type I and III collagen levels, as well as decreasing the proliferation of unhealthy cells and hastening the death of sick cells.

Stay away from sugar, high salt content and processed foods:

    Sugar feeds tumors and increases fibroids. All these creates a burden on the liver. The liver releases excess hormones from the body and much off these  increase oestrogen levels in the body.

Avoid any foods that contain oestrogens or oestrogen components:

   Unfortunately most commercial meat includes most oestrogen and xenoestrogens. Organic animal foods are better however it might be best to completely avoid them. Avoid pesticides, chemical laden cleaning products, food dyes, 

Avoid food, drink or anything that goes in or on your body that has been stored for long periods in plastic containers. Never heat foods that are in plastic containers in the microwave. Many plastics contain hormone disruptive compounds (BPA) that leach from packaging into the foods, drink or toothpaste stored within it and thus pass into the body. These chemicals have been found to enhance the growth of cancer cells in animals. 

  Avoid chocolate, coffee and alcohol. Use spices such especially cumin, coriander, and caraway.

If you are carrying excess body fat try to loose some of it with proper diet and exercise, just a small reduction can make a difference as excess oestrogens are stored in body fat.
Use warming spices and foods like ginger, horseradish, mustard, chill etc in your food to keep your inner warmth alive.

Eat Maitake Mushrooms: This mushroom has been shown to enhance immune system function and has been shown through several studies to contain anti-tumor properties. It is also useful for improving glucose metabolism.

Take vitamin D and vitamin A. Or eat foods high in both vitamin a and d.
Herbs to shrink Fibroid:

1. Vitex:

It  is perhaps the most reliable of hormonal balancers capable of shrinking fibroids. Take half a teaspoon of the tincture in water twice daily for best results (Renowned herbalist and wise woman Susan Weed says you can safely do this for up to 2 years if needed). Take it during your first half of menstrual cycle.

2. Cleansing & Detox herbs:

Dandelion, milk thistle, blessed thistle, burdock root, yellow dock, raspberry leaf and nettle leaf. Use equal parts a 1/4 teaspoon each in a cup. Take a teaspoon twice daily.

Drink a cup daily of marigold aka calendula leaf, mullei, fresh ginger and a touch of yarrow. This will help to clear away the area as the fibroids are gradually broken down or shrunk.

Drink a cup of chickweed tea for 2 months. For heavy bleeding use sheperds purse.

****Use Castor Oil Packs: Shrinks fibroids and ovarian cysts. Also clears fallopian tubes. First half of cycle from first day of menstrual cycle.

One of the major benefits of castor oil is it keeps lymphatic system healthy, which is very important to cleansing the body. Castor oil also promotes healthy function of the kidneys, bowel, intestine, thyroid gland, ovaries and uterus.
When used properly castor oil packs have anti-inflammatory effect that causes fibroids to shrink. When applied castor oil penetrates the skin and relaxes smooth muscle so it penetrates through to the uterus. It is placed on the skin because it helps improve circulation in pelvic region. It also stimulates liver to eliminate toxins, reduces inflammation, relieves pain and improves lymphatic circulation. 
Add approximately 20 drops of poke root tincture to 100ml castor oil and rub gently into the pelvic area, front and back, every other night to benefit from its remarkable dispersing and clearing effects. 
Then saturate a flannel cloth with the castor oil mixture and place it on your body over the lower abdomen. Put a plastic sheet or towel and then a hot water bottle or heating pad. Lie on your back relax, Leave on for 5 minutes while massaging below the navel anticlockwise and wipe off. Do this every other night for at least 6 months.

Add Enzymes to your daily intake: 

Three powerful enzymes are digestive enzymes, Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase) and Nattokinase. I personally take digestive ezymes which has greatly reduced my bloating and big tummy. 

Fibroids are also susceptible to being dissolved by high-dose enzyme therapy. 

Digestive Enzymes: Includes bromelain, protease, amylase, lipase and  papain.  
  • Bromelain, extracted from the core and stem of the pineapple, breaks down protein and is beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Protease digest proteins to help improve the body’s immune system response to invaders; invaders are proteins in the form of fibrin which is the tissue that makes up a scar, some blood clots and Candida overgrowth.
  • Lipase breaks down fats for proper absorption in the intestines supporting the body’s ability to properly absorb fat which is very important for reproductive health; helps the body achieve optimal pH balance and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Amylase breaks down carbohydrates helping the body regulate glucose levels and achieve optimal Ph balance, both necessary for healthy fertility; healthy blood and environment within the female reproductive organs.
  • Papain, extracted from papaya, breaks down protein and is most beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.

Serrapeptase is a chemical taken from the silkworm. It is a commonly used drug (Takeda Chemical Industries) in Japan and Europe. Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. This might help decrease inflammation and mucous. It is used for so many benefits such as blocked tubes, inflammation and much more. Use only for 4 weeks. Avoid use if taking blood thinners. 

   The enzyme serrapeptase is particularly effective for this purpose. Keep the bottle of enzymes by your bedside and take 250,000 SPU with a little water first thing in the morning and last thing at night, at least 2 hours after eating. The point is for the enzymes to digest the fibroids, not your food. 

One last consideration: if you have estrogen dominance, you may very well have a thyroid problem. Classic symptoms of this (hypothyroidism) are heavy menses, constipation, lack of energy, and constantly feeling cold. 

Fibroids and natural ways to reduce them

    Fibroids are over growths of fibrous tissue and/or muscle that occur in and around the womb walls and are classified as non-cancerous tumours (or uterine myomas). They tend to grow within the muscular layers of the womb or sometimes around the cervix or fallopian tubes. They appear in approximately 2 out of every 5 women of menstruating age and usually shrink (or at least stop growing) after the menopause is complete.
  They are relatively common and, if small, can remain unnoticed and symptom free. Problems and symptoms can arise if there are multiple fibroids or if they grow large in size. Symptoms can include dull pain in the pelvis or bladder region, heavy bleeding during or between periods, painful penetrative sex, bowel problems (due to pressure on the bowel), frequent urination, infertility, repeated miscarriages, abdominal swelling (if large) and lower back pain. Mostly caused by estrogen dominance. 
There appearance and growth is thought to be linked to an excess of oestrogens in the body although being overweight, not having children, early puberty and being of afro-caribbean descent all increase the likelihood of their formation.
Conventional treatment for problematic fibroids consists of hormonal treatments, physical removal of the fibroid in some form or hysterectomy.
Herbal treatments and natural healing aim to shrink the fibroids using hormonal balancing herbs, improve energy and circulation to and from the womb and relieving symptoms where possible.

Uterine fibroids are hormonally responsive; estradiol and progesterone stimulate their growth, and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists shrink them. Phytoestrogens, including isoflavones and lignans, can act as weak estrogens or antiestrogens.

Lignans act as anti-oestrogens and can cause the fibroids to shrink in size. Lignans bind to your estrogen receptor sites and reduces total estrogen activity. 

Food Sources of Lignans:

Seeds and Nuts -
Sesame seeds which is the most effective, followed by flaxseeds (use ground), pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts are excellent sources of lignans. 

   Rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, oat bran and have shown very promising results in treating fibroids for many women. Best way to consume is to make a morning hot cereal of almost all the ingredients and eat it often. I love rye hot flake cereal from vitacost, oat bran, rye hot flakes and hot buckwheat from vitacost which I make into a pudding with my almond milk.

    Eat lots of dark leafy organic vegetables and fruits as much as you can. I currently eat 70% vegan and 30% animal protein. Broccoli, curly kale, mustard greens, brussel sprouts, carrots, sweet peppers, cauliflower, red potato and much more. Fruits like apricots, apples, grapes, plums, peach, strawberries, pears, nectarines, cranberries, pink grapefruit and cherries. Beans such as adzuki, kidney beans and lentils.

Take resveratrol, a pigment found in red grape skins, causes a potent "anti-fibrotic" effect by reducing type I and III collagen levels, as well as decreasing the proliferation of unhealthy cells and hastening the death of sick cells.

Stay away from sugar, high salt content and processed foods:

    Sugar feeds tumors and increases fibroids. All these creates a burden on the liver. The liver releases excess hormones from the body and much off these  increase oestrogen levels in the body.

Avoid any foods that contain oestrogens or oestrogen components:

   Unfortunately most commercial meat includes most oestrogen and xenoestrogens. Organic animal foods are better however it might be best to completely avoid them. Avoid pesticides, chemical laden cleaning products, food dyes, 

Avoid food, drink or anything that goes in or on your body that has been stored for long periods in plastic containers. Never heat foods that are in plastic containers in the microwave. Many plastics contain hormone disruptive compounds (BPA) that leach from packaging into the foods, drink or toothpaste stored within it and thus pass into the body. These chemicals have been found to enhance the growth of cancer cells in animals. 

  Avoid chocolate, coffee and alcohol. Use spices such especially cumin, coriander, and caraway.

If you are carrying excess body fat try to loose some of it with proper diet and exercise, just a small reduction can make a difference as excess oestrogens are stored in body fat.
Use warming spices and foods like ginger, horseradish, mustard, chill etc in your food to keep your inner warmth alive.

Eat Maitake Mushrooms: This mushroom has been shown to enhance immune system function and has been shown through several studies to contain anti-tumor properties. It is also useful for improving glucose metabolism.

Take vitamin D and vitamin A. Or eat foods high in both vitamin a and d.
Herbs to shrink Fibroid:

1. Vitex:

It  is perhaps the most reliable of hormonal balancers capable of shrinking fibroids. Take half a teaspoon of the tincture in water twice daily for best results (Renowned herbalist and wise woman Susan Weed says you can safely do this for up to 2 years if needed). Take it during your first half of menstrual cycle.

2. Cleansing & Detox herbs:

Dandelion, milk thistle, blessed thistle, burdock root, yellow dock, raspberry leaf and nettle leaf. Use equal parts a 1/4 teaspoon each in a cup. Take a teaspoon twice daily.

Drink a cup daily of marigold aka calendula leaf, mullei, fresh ginger and a touch of yarrow. This will help to clear away the area as the fibroids are gradually broken down or shrunk.

Drink a cup of chickweed tea for 2 months. For heavy bleeding use sheperds purse.

****Use Castor Oil Packs: Shrinks fibroids and ovarian cysts. Also clears fallopian tubes. First half of cycle from first day of menstrual cycle.

One of the major benefits of castor oil is it keeps lymphatic system healthy, which is very important to cleansing the body. Castor oil also promotes healthy function of the kidneys, bowel, intestine, thyroid gland, ovaries and uterus.
When used properly castor oil packs have anti-inflammatory effect that causes fibroids to shrink. When applied castor oil penetrates the skin and relaxes smooth muscle so it penetrates through to the uterus. It is placed on the skin because it helps improve circulation in pelvic region. It also stimulates liver to eliminate toxins, reduces inflammation, relieves pain and improves lymphatic circulation. 
Add approximately 20 drops of poke root tincture to 100ml castor oil and rub gently into the pelvic area, front and back, every other night to benefit from its remarkable dispersing and clearing effects. 
Then saturate a flannel cloth with the castor oil mixture and place it on your body over the lower abdomen. Put a plastic sheet or towel and then a hot water bottle or heating pad. Lie on your back relax, Leave on for 5 minutes while massaging below the navel anticlockwise and wipe off. Do this every other night for at least 6 months.

Add Enzymes to your daily intake: 

Three powerful enzymes are digestive enzymes, Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase) and Nattokinase. I personally take digestive ezymes which has greatly reduced my bloating and big tummy. 

Fibroids are also susceptible to being dissolved by high-dose enzyme therapy. 

Digestive Enzymes: Includes bromelain, protease, amylase, lipase and  papain.  
  • Bromelain, extracted from the core and stem of the pineapple, breaks down protein and is beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Protease digest proteins to help improve the body’s immune system response to invaders; invaders are proteins in the form of fibrin which is the tissue that makes up a scar, some blood clots and Candida overgrowth.
  • Lipase breaks down fats for proper absorption in the intestines supporting the body’s ability to properly absorb fat which is very important for reproductive health; helps the body achieve optimal pH balance and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Amylase breaks down carbohydrates helping the body regulate glucose levels and achieve optimal Ph balance, both necessary for healthy fertility; healthy blood and environment within the female reproductive organs.
  • Papain, extracted from papaya, breaks down protein and is most beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.

Serrapeptase is a chemical taken from the silkworm. It is a commonly used drug (Takeda Chemical Industries) in Japan and Europe. Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. This might help decrease inflammation and mucous. It is used for so many benefits such as blocked tubes, inflammation and much more. Use only for 4 weeks. Avoid use if taking blood thinners. 

   The enzyme serrapeptase is particularly effective for this purpose. Keep the bottle of enzymes by your bedside and take 250,000 SPU with a little water first thing in the morning and last thing at night, at least 2 hours after eating. The point is for the enzymes to digest the fibroids, not your food. 

One last consideration: if you have estrogen dominance, you may very well have a thyroid problem. Classic symptoms of this (hypothyroidism) are heavy menses, constipation, lack of energy, and constantly feeling cold. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Is Iodine affecting your fertility?

Iodine is best known for its role in thyroid function. It helps the synthesis of the thyroid hormones T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). T4 and T3 play an important role in the body's control of metabolism. Low levels of iodine intake are thought to create a cascading series of hormone changes that lead to a hyper-estrogen state, which is linked to poor ovarian, endometrial, depression and breast health.

   Iodine deficiency can cause infertility in women and men. Iodine deficiency can lead to lack of ovulation, micarriage, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, stillborn, hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities. If your thyroid is functioning at 10% you can have a 80% miscarriage rate. Many physicians only test your TSH (thyroidstimulating hormone) levels. But there are three thyroid tests you can do: T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies. (Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones.) Some studies show that if your thyroid isn’t working properly, it can be more difficult to get pregnant and maintain a pregnancy.

   During my infertility journey, I found out I was lacking in folic acid and iodine. Are you having enough iodine? 

Iodine is also extremely important to take 90 days before conception. You must take iodine before the 90 day period before conception. conception because iodine forces out toxic bromine. Therefore, bromine can substitute for iodine where the body uses iodine. This is not good because then this toxic bromine when used instead of iodine messes up the body. 

When you first take iodine bro toxic bromine is forced out of the tissues and people get sick from bromine. This temporary detox reaction is blamed on iodine mistakenly. But it is not iodine that is causing the problem. It is bromine that is causing the problem.

Iodine pushing out toxic bromine can cause a rash, acne, hair falling out, emotionality, sinus draining, coughing, mouth and tongue sores, tingling in twitching hands and feet, urination, vision changes, and many other side effects. The most common side effect is vivid dreams. The most worrisome side effect is a sore thyroid. This indicates thyroid cells breaking up. The inside of the thyroid cells may induce a Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Therefore, it is extremely important to start off with small amounts of iodine and work your way up gradually. I like to start with 3 mg per day of iodine or less and increase 5 mg per day every one to two weeks. You should work your way up to 50 mg per day for three months. Then, cut back to 10 mg per day for maintenance.

we need less than one teaspoon of iodine for proper health and development. Since the body cannot store iodine, you need to eat a little bit of it every day. Excess consumption of iodine can also inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones, leading to hyperthyroidism, thyroid papillary cancer and iodermia.

Best sources of Iodine:

As always we prefer using food sources before supplementing.

**** Start small before using a iodine supplement and test your thyroid before. When your thyroid is in failure and you start taking kelp supplements, you can literally shut down your thyroid. So avoid kelp!**

1. Iodized Salt:

Iodized salt is the main source of iodine in our diet. Iodized salt consists of table salt combined with minuscule amounts of iodine containing salts. Just one gram of salt provides the body with 77 micrograms of iodine and 0 calories.

2. Sea Vegetables:

Sea vegetables contain excellent sources of iodine. Kelp contains the highest amount of iodine than any other food on this planet. One serving of kelp contains around 2000 micrograms of iodine while one tablespoon of arame contains 730 micrograms of iodine. Wakame is another excellent source of iodine with one tablespoon providing 80 micrograms of iodine.
Again avoid kelp. 

3. Baked Potato:

Baked potatoes are another great source of iodine. A medium sized baked potato provides 60 micrograms of iodine, helping you meet 40% of the daily-recommended value. Besides, the baked potato is also rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and potassium.

4. Codfish:

Fishes are able to extract iodine from the seawater. Cod is a delicious, moist and a low calorie fish that comes packed with several essential nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, protein, folate, vitamin D, E and potassium. A three-ounce serving of cod provides 99 micrograms of iodine, amounting to 99% of the daily value.

5. Yogurt:

Yogurt is one of the healthiest foods to include in your daily diet. It is also an excellent option for increasing the iodine levels in your body. A cup of yogurt provides 154 micrograms of iodine and 154 calories. So, enjoy yogurt smoothie in your breakfast or combine it with berries for a light evening snack.
   Ensure your yogurt contains live probiotics, I prefer Kefir - I do not drink milk due to cysts but I do consume organic 1% kefir or kombucha due to it's high probiotic content.

6. Lobster:

A serving of lobster daily can prevent you from iodine deficiencies. A 100 grams serving of lobster provides 100 micrograms of this essential mineral, around 67% of the daily value. Moreover, lobsters are quite low in fat content, making them a perfect choice for health conscious people. Lower cholesterol levels in lobsters help to maintain the triglyceride levels, thereby keeping the heart healthy. Lobsters are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

7. Cranberries:

This bright colored fruit provides a plethora of health benefits. It contains high concentrations of vitamin C, K, B, antioxidants and fiber. This fruit is an amazing source of iodine as well. Four ounces of cranberries provide 400 micrograms of iodine, equaling to 267% of the daily value. Cranberry is also renowned for its positive effects on urinary tract infection. The fruit is low in calories as well. While purchasing packaged juice, be aware of its sugar content.

8. Green Beans:

A half-cup serving of green beans can help you meet 2% of the daily value of iodine. Green beans are a great source of folate, vitamin B, C, protein and potassium as well. It provides nearly 40% of the daily value of folate and 53% of the daily value of fiber, which protects the colon and flushes the amount of toxins from it.

Tips to Optimize the Iodine Levels Naturally:

  • Try to purchase as much organic food as possible. Wash all the fruits and vegetables thoroughly to clear the pesticides and other chemicals.
  • Avoid eating and drinking from plastic containers.
  • Avoid soda and aerated drinks. Drink, pure filtered water instead.
  • Your personal care products should be as chemical free as possible.
Will you include these iodine rich food sources to have sufficient levels of iodine in the body system?

Lastly, before taking supplements get tested by your doctor to avoid taking dangerous levels of iodine supplement.