
Monday, December 26, 2011


 ½ bunch spring onions , chopped
olive oil
1 potato , peeled and diced
1 carton of vegetable/chicken stock
2 cups of water
1  bag watercress , spinach and broccoli
1 inch ginger
1 clove garlic
1 tsp sea salt and pepper to taste
Lemon or lime juice
1.Cook the spring onions in 1/2 tbsp olive oil until softened. Add the potato and cook for 2 minutes then tip in the stock, season well and simmer until potato is tender. Add the leaves, and rest of the ingredients, simmer for 10 minutes then whizz until smooth with a blender / immersion blender.
Squeeze lemon/lime in soup while serving and add salt / pepper as desired.

 93 kcalories, protein 2.4g, carbohydrate 12.0g, fat 4.3 g, saturated fat 0.5g, fibre 1.9g, salt 2.56 g

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Moroccan Coconut and Chick Pea Soup Recipe

3 cups light tasting vegetable broth
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large yam or sweet potato, peeled, diced
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded, cored, diced
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, diced
1/2 cup chopped roasted green chiles- mild or hot, to taste
1 14-oz. can Muir Glen Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes/ 6 freshly diced tomatoes
1 15-oz. can chick peas, rinsed, drained
1 14-oz. can coconut milk
1 lime, juiced
1 tablespoon Thai Kitchen curry paste (red or green), or to taste
A pinch cinnamon and cumin
Sea salt and pepper, to taste

Add just before serving:

1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro or mint
1 cup packed baby greens
Hot red pepper flakes, to taste, if desired

Combine all of the ingredients in a slow cooker and cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions for your make and model and personal time frame.

Or if you're in a more hands-on mood, do it the old fashioned way. Throw everything in a pot and cook, covered, over medium heat until the vegetables are tender, about thirty minutes.

Stir in the cilantro or mint, baby greens and hot red pepper flakes. Heat through briefly until the greens soften, and serve.

Serves 4.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


A (fairly) normal uterine cavity and endometrial lining are necessary in
order to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. There are several conditions
related to the cavity or the lining that can cause problems.

•When a woman has her menses (period) the endometrial lining of the uterus
and some associated blood is shed. Then a new lining is regenerated over the
next few weeks or so and eventually becomes receptive to implantation of an

•If no embryo implants, her body recognizes that she is not pregnant and it
sheds the uterine lining and starts the regeneration process over again.
Problems of the uterus and uterine lining that can cause or contribute to
reproductive problems such as infertility or recurrent miscarriage:

•Uterine Polyps
•Uterine Fibroids (proper medical terminology is myoma or leiomyoma)
•Intrauterine adhesions - scar tissue within the uterine cavity, also called
Asherman's Syndrome. This can interfere with conception, or can increase the
risk of a miscarriage.
•Congenital uterine malformations, such as a bicornuate uterus, a T-shaped
uterus, or a uterine septum
•Luteal phase defect - an uncommon condition that involves inadequate
development of the microscopic and cellular changes in the endometrial
lining of the uterus after ovulation and exposure to the hormone
•Thin endometrial lining - this is also uncommon. We like to see a lining of
at least 8mm in thickness when measured by ultrasound at the time of maximal
thickness during the cycle (see above ultrasound picture of an 11.2 mm
There is some debate about "how thin is too thin", as well as to "how thick
is too thick".
•In general, 8-13 mm is good, less than 6 is potentially a problem, and
greater than 15 or so might possibly reduce chances for successful

During IVF treatment, the uterine lining starts at about 3mm thick at the
end of the menstrual period. After estrogen levels rise sufficiently, the
lining of the uterus thickens by about 1mm each day during IVF.

Pomegranate juice – helps build uterine lining, also helps men with sperm
quality and mobility. 1 glass per day, drink from day 1 of your cycle till
Ovulation.  And those doing IUI or IVF, suggested to drink way before the transfer.
   Pomegranates have been referred to by several major religions as an
excellent source for enhancing sexual desire and fertility. New research
conducted at Firat University in Turkey, suggests that a man’s sperm count
is increased and the quality of his sperm is boosted as well when he drinks
pomegranate juice on a regular basis. Taking charge of your fertility with
pomegranate juice can also help men with erectile dysfunction, improving
their intimate lives significantly. Wouldn’t drinking pomegranate juice be
much more pleasant than taking Viagra and risking possible side effects from
the medication? More good news for men: another one of the possible health
benefits of pomegranate juice may be that it is effective in prostate cancer
treatment options!
Pomegranates contain ellagic acid, which is believed to bind together
cancerous cells in the body and prevent them from fully forming. One study
conducted by the University of Wisconsin revealed that men who drank 8
ounces of pomegranate juice per day decreased the level of PSA, prostrate
specific antigen, which is an indicator of possibly developing prostate
Pomegranate can thin the blood so avoid if using aspirin or garlic supplements.

Pineapple : Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain which
reduces inflammation and breaks up proteins that prevent embryo implantation
  Eating pineapple core few days before and after ovulation can improve your
odds of successful embryo implantation. Try making a fertility smoothie! Eat
the core first not the meat part of pineapple (in moderation - too much can
be harmful to implantation)

eat the core for 2 days before transfer & continue till 5-10 days after IUI
 eat the core for 3 days before ovulation and from ovulation till pregnancy
is confirmed.
 eat the core for 2 days before transfer & continue till 5-10 days after IVF
I like Trader Joes frozen pinapple, its fresh and has lots of core in it.
However fresh is better. I was told to buy a whole fresh pineapple, one that
is a little over ripe is better cos the core is softer and to peel it but
NOT to remove the core. Then cut the Core into 5 relatively equal pieces and
eat one of those pieces from about  IUI/IVF transfer  or ovulation till 7/10
days or until pregnancy is confirmed.
Light exercise like walking, eating little spicy foods and light massage
from navel dwon before O to help increase circulation and blood flow to the

Omega Fatty Acids: Oily Fish - Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and
sardines are the best source of essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6
which play an important role in regulating reproductive functioning,
improving blood flow and enhancing sperm quality and mobility. I love wwild
salmon. For vegetarians can take flaxseed oil.
Whole grains - Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat and quinoa
are complex carbohydrates that contain an abundance of B and E vitamins that
are essential for cellular reproduction, hormonal balance and the production
of healthy ova and sperm. Women should be sure to eat lots of oatmeal.
Increase natural vitamin E by using extra virgin olive oil and eating nuts
especially pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts. Almond milk without the sugar is
a great source of vitamin E for those who really hate eating nuts.  
   Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant. This means that it helps
control the damage caused by free-roaming, unstable molecules called free
radicals. These unbalanced molecules steal electrons from healthy molecules.
When they succeed, the molecule that was robbed is damaged, and damage
spreads to the living cell.

Eating vegetables and fruits, preferably organic. Eat healthy because you want your body nourished and the baby to develop properly. Drink purified water, avoid junk foods.

Red Raspberry Tea Strengthens the uterine lining. Combine RR with Vitex or B6 for LPD. Midwives encourage pregnant women to drink red raspberry tea to help tone the uterus because this would help in ensuring a smooth delivery. Included in our fertility tea blend - click here to purchase

Cut out Caffeine -- Caffeine in coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate has been shown to reduce male & female fertility. As little as one cup of coffee a day can cut your chances of conception in half.

Cut out Junk Food, Processed Food and Saturated Fats -- This speaks for itself, but you need to be sure that your body is gaining nutrients from food, not empty calories.

Do Not Diet -- Even though it's tempting to want to fit into those new jeans, diets could be counterproductive to fertility.

Decrease Sugar -- Refined sugars not only make you gain weight but can disrupt your body's blood sugar levels. They will initially give you energy but later on you will suffer from an abrupt crash, and even more fatigue.

No Artificial Sweetener -- Although there has been a great deal of debate, studies have found that artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, may be linked to cancer and decreased fertility.

And most importantly be Focused on God's word / positive thinking!!

I would suggest using herbs to detoxify and balance your hormones.  Our Women's toner Fertility tea blend includes those herbs. You can purchase it here  (thank you in advance for your support)! 

For further discussion, check out my new post on this - 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I got this email from a great mentor of mine - Mahesh Chavda and feel led in sharing it with you . As we enter this new month of December, God is shifting and aligning things together for our breakthrough! God wants you to NEVER STOP EXPECTING, NEVER STOP BELIEVING & PRESS ON!

The word for today and for this hour is SHIFT! We are at a tipping point. Many of you are sensing this individually, and we are certainly seeing this in our nation, our economy, and our world.

A tipping point is the moment at which something crosses the point of no return. It is the boiling point, the point of crisis, where momentum that has been building up behind the scenes suddenly bursts into the forefront. When it happens, the power released brings irreversible change.

The world is in a crisis. There is a clash of kingdoms vying for the destiny of our nation. But we, the people of God, carry the authority of heaven to turn crisis into a shift toward the plans and purposes of God in our generation. Jesus said, “All authority has been given unto Me, therefore go into the earth and preach this good news” (Mt. 28:18). The Church is the agent of change not just to bring people into the Kingdom, but to bring the Kingdom into the earth. We have a mandate to write history.

Harmonize with Heaven

So how do we make this shift? It begins with aligning ourselves with the Voice of Heaven. Too often, Christians begin to harmonize with a theology that displaces the power and work of the cross. Jesus is the propitiation for our sins. The wrath and judgment of God was satisfied; He took the punishment for our sins, and by His stripes we are healed. This is the message of the gospel that we carry—heal the sick, set free the oppressed, preach the gospel, bring in the harvest with signs, wonders, and miracles.

If your theology has you, and your nation in the crosshairs of judgment, today is the day for a shift in your thinking. The earth is in the crosshairs of the cross of victory. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (Jn. 3:16). A great exchange took place, your deserved judgment for His. When He came up out of that grave, He had triumphed over every principality and power, and put subject under His feet, everything concerning this world and the world to come.

Steve Jobs said, “We’re here to put a dent in the universe.” There was more than a dent made in the cosmos when Jesus clothed Himself in human flesh and came to earth on a mission. That mission is amnesty for the whole of creation. That’s the good news of the gospel. It is the solution to every spiritual conflict between God and man, to every human conflict between man and man, and the answer to the groans of Creation.

It is time to step into the season of favor that came when Jesus took His seat triumphant on the Throne (2 Cor. 6:2). It is time to go up into the city and take possession of our inheritance. It is time to aggressively take hold of God’s promises and press into the tipping point for His glory to pour out on the earth today.

This is God’s year to act (Lk. 4:19). Jesus’ life—death, burial, and resurrection—is the tipping point for the cosmos that is making a dent in history today. The earth is in the period of amnesty offered until Jesus comes, so let’s get in harmony with heaven and turn-around, overturn, reverse and MAKE A SHIFT!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a woman's female sex hormones. This hormone imbalance may cause changes in the menstrual cycle, skin changes, small cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other problems. I remember having a cyst bursting an the worst experience ever, but thank God for his healing.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Female sex hormones include estrogen and progesterone, as well as hormones called androgens. Androgens, often called "male hormones," are also present in women, but in different amounts.
Hormones help regulate the normal development of eggs in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. Polycystic ovary syndrome is related to an imbalance in these female sex hormones. Too much androgen hormone is made, along with changes in other hormone levels.
It is not completely understood why or how the changes in the hormone levels occur.
Follicles are sacs within the ovaries that contain eggs. Normally, one or more eggs are released during each menstrual cycle. This is called ovulation. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the eggs in these follicles do not mature and are not released from the ovaries. Instead, they can form very small cysts in the ovary.
These changes can contribute to infertility. The other symptoms of this disorder are due to the hormone imbalances.
Women are usually diagnosed when in their 20s or 30s, but polycystic ovary syndrome may also affect teenage girls. The symptoms often begin when a girl's periods start. Women with this disorder often have a mother or sister who has symptoms similar to those of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Doctors may decide to test you for PCOS, other signs are irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain, diabetes, acne, infertility, miscarriage, blood sugar imbalances etc.  Metformin is a drug that is typically prescribed to women with PCOS that are suffering from a diabetes-like insulin resistance. It is also prescribed to women with PCOS trying to conceive.

Side Effects from Metformin are as follows:
MALAISE. 10%- 25% of women who take Glucophage just don’t feel well. They experience a general malaise, fatigue and occasional achiness that lasts for varying lengths of time. Malaise a signal for the physician to closely monitor body systems affected by metformin, including liver, kidneys, and GI tract.
GI DISTURBANCE. About one third of women on metformin experience gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, occasional vomiting and loose, more frequent bowel movements, or diarrhea.
VITAMIN B12 MALABSORPTION. Of patients who take this drug, 10%-30% show evidence of reduced vitamin B12 absorption. A substance formed in the stomach called “intrinsic factor” combines with B12 so that it can be transferred into the blood.

ELEVATED HOMOCYSTEINE. People who take Glucophage tend to have higher homocysteine levels.(14) Women with PCOS also tend to have elevated homocysteine.(15)
Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. A normal amount is OK. But an elevated level means that your metabolic processes are not working properly. Elevated homocysteine is associated with coronary artery disease, heart attack, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,(16) cognitive impairment.(17), and cervical cancer. (18)
Vitamin B12, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid (another B vitamin), is responsible for metabolizing homocysteine into less potentially harmful substances (19). Therefore, when metformin reduces absorption of vitamin B12, you lose one of the nutrients needed to reduce homocysteine and thus reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
LIVER OR KIDNEY PROBLEMS. If you have liver or kidney problems of any kind, metformin could pose a problem, because it alters liver function and is excreted through the kidneys. A healthy liver and kidneys will improve your outcome with metformin.
LACTIC ACIDOSIS. About 3 of every 100,000 people who take metformin will develop a medical emergency called “lactic acidosis”. Lactic acid is a metabolic byproduct that can become toxic if it builds up faster than it is neutralized. Lactic acidosis is most likely to occur in people who with diabetes, kidney or liver disease, multiple medications, dehydration, or severe chronic stress.
The list goes on and on.                                                                                  


 1. Avoid Sugar : Hormones are intricately related to blood sugar balance and insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone and all of our hormones work together in a very delicate little dance. When one oversteps its boundaries, the others fall out of line. Additionally, sugar contributes greatly to weight gain and obesity. Being overweight contributes to hormonal imbalance, as fat stores are directly related to levels of some hormones. Many women with PCOS find that as soon as they are able to lose a bit of weight, their cycle begins to regulate itself. 

In addition, the liver is responsible for eliminating excess hormones (e.g. in the case of estrogen dominance). In addition, estrogen-mimicking chemicals found in many products and in the environment would also be eliminated by the liver. Therefore, supporting the liver is an important and essential part of treating hormonal imbalance. 

-Balance sugar by avoiding FAST FOODS!, simple carbohydrates - white sugar, white pasta, white bread, sodas, lots of juices, hormones enhanced foods especially in meats, chicken, lamb, goat, grass fed buffalo - try natural meats, eggs, milk etc. Avoid chinese fast foods, canned cooked foods except natural and you are confident about what the ingredient says. Add spices like cinnamon to balance sugar and cayenne to encourage circulation.

2. EAT WHOLE FOODS: Our body craves nutritional foods and when it doesn't get them, this will cause the blood sugar to spike and hormone imbalance. I know its hard eating healthy but guess what I actually have to force myself. If you are not a vegetable eater. Then you can certainly get a juicer and Juice! Make sure he vegetables and fruits like - apples, spinach, peach,carrots, pears those with light flesh are organic.  Natural cleansing like- lemons and raw apple cider vinegar. You can find great deals at Trader Joes without breaking the bank. Also when making smoothies add whey protein powder.

Vitacost - Olympian Labs pea protein powder with vanilla $19.77, Jarrow Formula brown rice protein vanilla powder $8.48. They are both soy, gluten, gmo free. Also
Jarrow Formulas Natural Whey Protein Unflavored/Vanilla/Chocolate -- 2 lbs $16.29 has low lactose.

MegaFood DailyFoods® Organic Pure Food™ High Fiber Hemp Shake Cocoa -- 16.2 oz  $31.16 ** I recommend this - has organic veggies and maintains blood sugar. 

Living Harvest

Living Harvest Organic Hemp Protein Powder Vanilla Spice -- 16 oz $12.59  - has cinnamon to balance blood sugar and maca great fertility natural aid.


I hated eating brown rice, so having it in the powder form is GREAT!

Eat only foods that were created to be food (no chemicals, dyes, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, modified ingredients, GMO, etc.) and eat them whole, complete and as close to the way that they were created as possible.  My friends laugh whenever I go to stores and read labels, hey guess what at least I know what goes into me. Avoid soy, alcohol, milk (still debatable - some say drink whole milk, I actually have stopped and now only consume Almond Milk - has Calcium, Vitamin E, Magnesium.etc I still drink yogurt, cheese and kefir, also avoid caffeine and processed foods. Drink Tea especially green tea but avoid drinking green tea after ovulation. Substitute for white sugar - honey, agave nectar, stevia(great and does not spike blood sugar even in diabetic people).  Eat more protein - Beans, quinoa,  natural chicken, turkey, fish and less read meat,  free range eggs, yogurt - especially greek, kefir(read my post about kefir) I love Lifeway kefir, stonyfield, liberte, chobani and I love Trader Joe's greek yogurt with honey!!! Reminds me of quality yogurt from europe.

When you eat equal amounts of proteins and carbohydrates this helps to keep your insulin at a balanced level, thus increasing your fertility.
Some examples of whole grain and sprouted grain products are:

Ezekiel breads
Whole spelt- pastas and breads
Quinoa – pastas, flour, grain
Millet- breads, grains, cereal
Brown Rice- cereals, breads, grain
Healthy fats are a crucial component to hormone balance. 

Balance your body sugar with spice - like cinnamon and good fats- extra virgin olive oil, avocados, organic natural butter(we love Kerrygold abut $3 at Trader Joes - Is totally worth it) every time you eat carbs like bread, baked potato, rice or pasta, try to switch to almond butter, almond milk(I love Trader Joes almond milk its about $1.69 and they have vanilla, original and chocolate flavor).

Eat nuts and seeds like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts as trail mix snack Eat iodine rich foods and avoid iodine table salt - use sea salt instead.

Eat vitamin C and B rich foods. And add Zinc natural ways. **Read combining God's word and health for fertility**

 Add Fish to your food consumption. Especially Wild Salmon .Wild salmon are free and active, eating their natural diet of algae and krill and the pink to red color is 100% natural. The wild salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids and the powerful antioxidant and carotenoid, Astaxanthin. Other good choices are sardines and anchovies. There is one drawback and that is that the oceans are becoming quite polluted and salmon is not as safe as it was several years ago. PCBs and heavy metals are wreaking havoc on our oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. Unfortunately, toxins and chemicals tend to store themselves in fat and these are fatty fish. To be safe, eat these fish and/or salmon maybe 2-3 days a week maximum. You can also take a high quality purified fish.Also oily coldwater fish like salmon, herring, tuna, cod, and trout.



Eat a diet high in fiber

Fiber helps in two ways with PCOS. The first way they help is by slowing down the digestion of sugars in the body, so there is no spike in insulin. The second way they help is by removing excess estrogens from the body, which may also help to reduce fibroids.
Great sources of fiber are: broccoli, celery, whole grains, Ezekiel bread, apples, and dark leafy greens.

3. Detox:
****Read my post on Cleansing******
We nearly all live in an environment of toxic substances that attack our bodies in small ways. Detoxification can be dealt with externally and internally as well.

Externally you want to rid your home of substances that are toxic. Get rid of chemicals and sprays that are suspect and replace chemical cleaners with more organic alternatives. Living in a cleaner environment does amazing things for your body and help the environment too.

Internally however you must also pay close attention to. Flushing the accumulated toxins from your body allows better working of all of your organs and the process of detoxing will boost your immune system as well which is vital for a healthy pregnancy.

3. Get Moving:  Along with diet exercise must be performed to invigorate the body and also to lose weight. Weight loss helps reduce the severity of insulin resistance and while it is more difficult for those with PCOS to lose weight regular light exercise can have an amazing effect when combined with a good diet.

For many of the women that I’ve known who also have PCOS, regular exercise is a necessary ingredient for weight loss and maintenance, and to bring some regularity to their cycle.
It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or elaborate to be effective. Taking walks or jogs in the evening, doing a 20 minute exercise video a few mornings a week, or playing a game of soccer at the park with your kids. It all helps and it’s that consistent physical activity that does the most to balance things out.
It still needs to be said, though, that there is no magic pill, no one supplement or miracle food that will do the job. Living healthfully with PCOS requires a lifestyle change, but it is worth it every step of the way.

4.  Get rid of Stress:Stress lowers your immune system and increases a hormone called cortisol which is yet another hormone thrown into a volatile mix which can lead to the symptoms of PCOS and infertility. Destressing is a great help getting pregnant with PCOS and is something you must customise to your particular situation. My best advice is that you should not sweat the little things and not worry about things you cannot change.Allow God to work it out. Listen to some clean comedy, music, take a bath or better still get a massage!

A little about massage - you can also do a fertility massage - by massaging from down until the bottom of your navel - anti clockwise not too deeply. Can do it after menstruation and before ovulation. If your uterus are fells cold always try applying warm cloths to encourage circulation.

5. Rest and Confess God's Word: His word never changes and IT WILL COME TO PAST! Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."Envision being totally healed from PCOS, envision you holding your baby.

The benefits of following this steps are:

Increases the rate of spontaneous ovulation.
Significantly improves the environment of the uterus, preparing it for a healthy conception.
Decreases the potential for miscarriage
Prevents PCOS from turning to diabetes

But I do know this: Change is possible. There are simple, manageable steps that any woman can take to bring at least some level of relief and even recovery to her body.
Take heart, my friend. There is indeed something that you can do about it.

God doesn't need your tears he needs your FAITH!

As always please contact your doctor before taking or stopping any medication.

Friday, November 18, 2011


  • 10-15 m pieces smoked turkey drums
  • 1 m red bell pepper/tatashe
  • 4 scotch bonnet pepper/rodo/habanero
  • 4 fresh garlic cloves
  • Ginger (size of garlic cloves)
  • 1 m tomato
  • 1 s red onion
  • 1 bag fresh spinach OR 2 chopped frozen packs spinach
  • 1/2 cup palm oil
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 knorr cube OR 2 maggi cubes
  • 1 tbsp curry powder
Boil smoked turkey in a meduim pot with water for about 15 minutes. (I like to boil mine to reduce the salt).
Cut up peppers, add to blender with 1/2 cup water
Add palm oil & vegetable oil to a pot, let heat up over medium heat; blend peppers
7. Once blended, add peppers to hot oil
Add seasonings (curry &  knorr or maggi cubes); let boil 30 minutes over medium heat
Rinse and chop up spinach
Squeeze and drain excess liquid from spinach (if yours is frozen), set aside
If pepper tastes done (see notes for how to know), reduce heat to low, add  turkey drums
Stir turkey into pepper, still over low heat
Add chopped spinach over turkey
Mix chopped spinach into turkey stew thoroughly for even distribution
Let simmer over low-medium heat for about 5 minutes

Serve with Rice, fufu, plaintains, mashed potatoes. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So I love thanksgiving because I don't have to cook for a week. I try to use the left over turkey in a resourceful way. And boy Am I tired of eating turkey for a week. Wonder what to do with leftover turkey sandwich. try this below:

You can use your favorite bread. We love sourdough bread, which is actually healthier and better than white or wheat.


  • 1 cup chopped cooked turkey meat
  • 1/4 cup chopped white or red onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh or canned jalapeño chili pepper (to desired heat)
  • 1 Tbsp chopped cilantro or parsley
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder (to taste) or canned chipotle in adobo can
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


1 Mix chipotle powder into mayonnaise.
2 Put turkey, onion, celery, jalapeño, cilantro into a medium sized bowl. Fold in the seasoned mayonnaise until well mixed. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Serve with avocados and sliced tomatoes, as a salad or in a sandwich.  Makes enough for 2 sandwiches.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Fall Fall Fall. This is the season to warm up, tune up and stay up. I love fall because my body, skin and goodies get to relax. Here is a recipe that is sure to warm up your soul! Have a great weekend!


  • 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced

  • 1/2 cup onions, chopped

  • 2 tablespoons butter

  • 2 tablespoons flour

  • 1 tablespoon curry powder

  • 3 cups chicken stock

  • 1 (16 ounce) can pumpkin

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • dash of nutmeg

  • salt and pepper, to taste

  • 1 cup heavy cream (or half & half)
Sauté mushrooms and onions in butter. Add flour and curry powder and stir until bubbly. Gradually add the stock; stir until mixed. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat, add pumpkin, honey, and other seasonings. Stir while cooking, approximately 15 minutes. Add cream and heat through without boiling. Top with a dollop of sour cream if desired. And sprinkle some pumpkin seeds. 

Drizzle some hot sauce if you want it spicy.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Quinoa Pumpkin Cookies

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients:

1 cup Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes
1 cup sorghum flour or brown rice flour
1/4 cup millet flour
1 tablespoon tapioca starch or potato starch (not potato flour)
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 cups organic light brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Add in:

1/2 cup Organic Coconut Oil or Spectrum Organic Shortening

Combine until the mixture is a bit crumbly and sandy.

Add in:

1 cup canned pumpkin
1 tablespoon bourbon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice

Beat to combine.

Note: I did not need to do this, but-- if the dough is too stiff to handle, add your favorite non-dairy milk, one tablespoon at a time and just enough make a sticky gooey dough.

Stir in:

1 cup dairy-free dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup raisins or currants

Option to add in, if you like:

1/2 cup chopped nuts such as pecans or walnuts

Using a soup spoon drop the dough by spoonfuls onto the parchment paper. The dough is sticky, so use moist fingers to help round out and mound the dough; don't flatten them, just shape them a bit.

Bake in the center of a preheated oven till golden and firm.

Cool the cookies on a wire rack.

Drizzle with my Maple Nutmeg Icing- recipe is here.

These cookies were fabulous slightly warm from the oven. The outside of the cookie gets a little bit crisp as it cools and the inside stays tender and slightly chewy.

We wrapped and froze extras. They are delicious warmed slightly in the microwave.

Makes 22-24 medium cookies.


Monday, October 10, 2011


Most people dealing  with depression depend on drugs, try to have so many friends to make them feel good, eat or obsessed with weight loss, try to listen to music or watch or funny movie - which does help however it is only temporary.  I hear you saying = Kay how can I overcome this gush of sadness or depression when I just lost my job/ had a miscarriage/ lost my joy/inability to conceive.  The answer - Don't give up! Only quitters quit and you ain't no quitter! While Jesus fasted his 40 days the devil came to tempt him because he knew the victory that will evolve from his fasting. When the battle gets more intense, that when your victory is about to be unleashed. I remember 4 month before conceiving, its like all hell broke loose, no job, verge of losing my house, bad reports from the doctor, injury and depression. And dealt with depression during my first trimester.
     Its quite amazing that when victory is right around the corner, the devil hits you with depression. Depression is something we do not want to talk about and sadly most christians go through it. Prophet Elijah did. Right after his greatest victory, he gets suddenly depressed. The devil is very tricky because he knows our minds can affect our entire being and especially our emotions and actions. Depression often starts by little words - no one likes me, everyone hates me, I'm not worthy to be blessed by God, Why is everything going wrong.

    I have personally gone through depression and know what its like. And sometimes the devil tries to send depression my way but I have a different approach and know how to tackle it, which I will discuss later. Back to Elijah,
He failed to see God in what had happened and Elijah as but God’s instrument. Like so many today he was completely absorbed with a man and as a result misrepresented the truth of what had actually happened. Motivated by his hurt pride, his anger and resentment against Elijah blinded him to the work of God and the revelation of the event.
When we proudly protect our own turf, when we get our eyes on people and what they have done or said, we fail to see God at work. When our eyes are on people, whether in admiration of a person’s life or in resentment as with Ahab, we miss the truth. Indeed, we distort the truth, we blow it all out of shape, or hide it completely. We become blind to the work of God. All we see are the conditions. When this happens, we are unable to respond with the right kind of action--with ministry, endurance, and faith. 
       Life is full of disappointments and if we are not extremely careful, those expectations will derail us as they become demands of our heart. It is not wrong for us to hope for the best and to look to the Lord for that. First Corinthians 13:7 says “love . . . believes all things, hopes all things.” The same is true for faith according to Heb. 11:1. But 1 Corinthians 13:7 also says, “love bears all things, . . . endures all things.” Please note, believing and hoping is sandwiched between bearing and enduring. When we focus on our expectations and make the results we want the source of our happiness, security, or significance, we end up in the Elijah syndrome--fearful, ready to run away, and engulfed in feelings of failure and depression or fear and frustration.

God did not forsake Elijah. Indeed, He sought him out and ministered to him. During our times of unbelief, however, we forfeit God’s best. Note the following examples: (a) Lot chose according to sight, not faith, and ended up losing everything (Gen. 13:1-13). (b) At Kadesh Barnea, the people walked by sight and forfeited the privilege of entering the land. For forty years they wandered in the wilderness (Num. 13:33 and Heb. 3:18-4:2).

 But alas, we all have feet of clay. Keeping our focus on the Lord and our minds relating to God in the midst of a fallen and evil world that says, happiness, security, significance, (i.e., your needs), are found in the details of life, is not easy. We are bombarded with a general attitude that is illustrated in slogans like “life is short, so play hard. You only go around once, so get all the gusto you can.” Even when we are not affected by that kind of thinking--and Elijah was not--it is still difficult to maintain our spiritual equilibrium or orientation to God. It is easy to get lost in the fog, the dense clouds that sometimes envelop us. We try to fly by the seat of our pants rather than by our biblical instrument panel. As a result, we get lost or we crash and burn emotionally.

 GOD LOVES YOU, HE SENT HIS SON TO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR YOU! I hear you say, yes I know but what do I do when things are not turning out the way you expect - Hold on to God's word. David encouraged himself in the Lord. When he lost all including his household he encouraged himself. Encourage yourself and then you go forth and possess what was stolen from you. Speaking and believing his word, allowing God to lead and direct your paths and fill your mouth with praise.

Never Let the enemy try to play a mind game with you. It is God's will for us to be healed, delivered, blessed, lenders and not borrowers. Find what God says in his word concerning your situation, speak it, believe it and combine it with obedience and giving and watch what God will do in your life! The truth is God is concerned about us because we are his children, but the truth is children who know their rightful place have no fear in their dad and take authority. It no longer time to shed a tear but to speak God's word.

 Talk to God like you are talking to a friend. "Lord I'm hurt and sad that ..... I have no where to go and I need you. I know you can hear me. Your word says we have life and more abundantly. You are the God of all impossibilities and all things are possible with you. Make a way out of no way. Heal my broken heart, I forgive all who hurt me and accept Christ into my heart. I bind every spirit of depression and I speak peace in every area of my life. Grant me wisdom on how to handle things and speak to me. Amen.

Also never neglect your health - Eat healthy, exercise and choose to stay in forgiveness!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Jamaican  Jerk Chicken (Serves 4)
  • Whole chicken 3-4 lbs. (cut in half or quartered)
  • ¼ cup of Sea salt
  • 2 fresh limes
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  • ½ teaspoon ground allspice
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 4 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • ½ cup chopped green onion (scallions)
  • 2 Tbsps. brown sugar
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp. Orange Zest
  • 5 small jalapenos
  • 2 Tbsps. Extra Virgin Olive Oil and ¼ cup white vinegar  -Vinegar is optional
Directions: Rub chicken with lime juice and sea salt to coat the whole chicken. In a blender mix all jerk seasoning ingredients  for 10 – 15 seconds. Rub mixture over chicken covering the entire chicken.  Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 8 hours.
You can bake/ broil at 350 for about 45 minutes, I actually prefer broiling it because the skin gets crispy.
Preheat grill to medium heat and cook chicken slowly until fully cooked, flipping occasionally so that all sides cook even.  Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Serve this with rice and fresh veggies for a complete meal. Or Skip the Rice if on low carb. Enjoy!

Easier Way - Use  Walkerswood's traditional Jerk Seasoning and follow the instructions. Easy and no blending or mixing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God is Realigning for Your Next Season

As  Rosh Hashanah approaches, aka Jewish New Year. Dedicated towards praying for the next year 2012, repentance and begining of a new spiritual year. God is about to do something new and refreshing but he needs us to walk with him.

I got this email from Matt Sorger and feel strongly to share them with you. Read below:

Transitioning into Spiritual Awakening
Rosh Hashanah is one of the highest holy days on the Jewish calendar. God works in times and seasons and never does anything haphazardly.September marks the first month of the original Jewish calendar with Rosh Hashanah marking the first day of the New Year. The Jewish Feasts and Holy Days mark important times and seasons in the Spirit. God still works in line with His original calendar.
A Time of Transition and Change – Realignments are Happening
September, coming into the Jewish New Year, is often a time of transition and change. When the Lord brings change there comes a realignment of things and there is a cutting away that happens. This brings a realignment of the Body so that we are in the right place at the right time for the purposes of the Kingdom. I believe for many in the Body of Christ they are entering into a new season in their lives where God is calling them to leave the old behind and step into the new.
Things of the past that have hindered and impeded our forward motion must be left behind if we are to move upward in God's purpose and call. It truly is a time where God is stripping and removing everything that would hinder our race in Him. As we transition into the new we must understand what He is doing and what things He is requiring of us to leave behind. This transition will be different for each one of us depending on God's unique plan and destiny for our lives. We must have an ear to hear Him in this season.
Be Careful Not to Carbon Copy Old Patterns
God is breaking out of the box. We must be very careful in this next season not to pattern ourselves after models of the past, even good models. We must not carbon copy ourselves after patterns of ministry that worked in the last season. God is doing a new thing. To move into the new wineskin we must remain very pliable and sensitive to what God is doing and how He is moving. This will require a keen sensitivity to His voice and a boldness not to blend in and go with the flow. It will require a heart of total obedience and death to self.
Leviticus 23:23-32 shares about the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.
There is both historical and prophetic significance in each feast. The first three feasts deal with the first coming of Christ while the last three look forward to His Second Coming. Each feast will be fulfilled historically through the life of Christ.
The feasts still hold great significance for us today.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I have come to destroy the Law, or the prophets. I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill."
Colossians 2:16-17 also indicates that these feasts are a "shadow of things to come."
Things that have been concealed in the Old Testament have now been revealed through the life of Christ.
The Feast of Trumpets – Beginning a New Year Spiritually
September 29, 2011 marks the day of Rosh Hashanah, beginning the spiritual New Year. This day begins the period known as the Ten Days of Awe and ends in Yom Kippur and the Day of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah is also known as the Feast of Trumpets. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, during this festival the Jewish people pray for God's forgiveness, for a good new year and for long life. According to Jewish tradition this day is the beginning of God's annual judgment of humanity.
During this spiritual season the eyes of God are searching our hearts. It is a time to:
1. Humble ourselves before God and let Him search and judge our hearts. We must have a contrite attitude and repent of all sin.
2. Pray God's blessing over the New Year.
3. Pray God's blessing for a long and healthy life in Christ.
The World Book Encyclopedia indicates that Jewish services on Rosh Hashanah emphasize judgment, penitence and forgiveness. A shofar is blown to call the people to a place of repentance of sin and to be awakened to holy service to God.
A Movement of Holiness and Power
During this season there is a call going out for both holiness and power.
As we transition into the new season, we will see two very important streams running parallel to each other in the Church. There will be a stream of very deep holiness along with a stream of extraordinary power.
The days of mixture are over where people have operated in the anointing in public and lived in sin in private. God is calling us to a higher standard and to a place of spiritual maturity. God is bringing the Church into a place of true son-ship. For this to happen we must experience His holy, loving discipline so we can mature into the place of holiness and power He is calling us into.
God is dealing with all mixture in the heart of the Church, corporately and individually. There is a greater glory coming, and in order to hold its weight, we must have a firm, strong foundation. As the power of God increases on the Church we must have an even more solid foundation. God is taking all the mixture out so we can handle the pure power of the Holy Spirit.
In this season of awakening we will see two parallel streams: holiness and power. We don't always know what is in our hearts. If there is something that must be purged, God will purge it. This is a time and season where we need to humble ourselves and let God search and cleanse our hearts.
Determine the Direction for the Coming Year
The position we take before God will determine the direction of the rest of the year. What we sow now will release a harvest for the coming year. Rosh Hashanah is known as the "Head of the Year." Jewish tradition says that this day marks the anniversary of the creation of the world and is the day when God takes stock of creation. Just as the head directs the body, so God's judgments on Rosh Hashanah direct the events of the coming year.
I shared earlier that it is very important what we sow during this season. The decisions and choices we make will set the course for the coming year. The seeds we sow now in our lives will determine the harvest we experience in the year to come.
When I talk about God's judgment some will jump on that and say "Yeah! Man is so sinful God is just going to destroy the world!" When I say judgment I don't mean God's destruction. God's judgment is always redemptive and His discipline is always in love and with encouragement. Correction that comes without encouragement is not from God's heart. His discipline always encourages us to rise higher; it never discourages us nor knocks us down. That is usually the work of a critical, judgmental spirit.
A Good Time to Take Stock
It's a good time to go before the Lord and ask Him to search your heart and purge out everything that has crept in that could offend Him. As we move into the next season God has for us, the position to take is that of humility, searching and judging our own hearts so that we ourselves are not judged. It is also a time to pray for God's blessing and favor on the New Year.
Following Rosh Hashanah is the Ten Days of Awe leading into The Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is the day the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies and apply the blood of the sacrifice to the mercy seat to atone for the sins of the people from the previous year. There was no barrier between the High Priest and the full manifested glory of God.
I believe that as we humble ourselves before God and embrace the sacrifice of the Cross in a new way in our lives, we will experience a depth of intimacy and communion with God deeper than we have ever known before. There will be no barrier between us and the glory as we embrace the work of the Cross. Humility opens the way for us to go deep into a pure communion with God.
It will be out of this place that we reap the amazing harvest that is awaiting us. Not only a harvest of God's mercy and love in our own lives, but a harvest of global proportions as we see the heart of humanity turn toward God in this last hour

May 2012 be a year of breakthroughs, health, prosperity, fruitfulness, peace and protection. I decree for my ttc ladies that you Conceive and have a safe delivery. 2012 will be a year of double - twins, triplets will be conceived. AMEN!! Speak his word out loudly daily until it becomes reality, listen to what he leads you to do and believe HE is Able! Hold on to the words below:

Exo 23:25-26 Worship the LORD your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

Gen 28:3 May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.
Lev 26:9"I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you."
Psa 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.
Psa 128:2-3 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.

Sunday, September 4, 2011



It is especially imporratnt to cleanse especially when ttc and the next step would be to boost immunity, which I will discuss next time. Cleansing is ver inmportant. It is the process of taking poison from your liver, kidneys, and bowel, and creating a healthy body that can fight disease and illness. In more specific terms, cleansing is about balancing the body and restoring the body’s proper pH balance and digestive health which has been altered by the typical Westerner’s diet that is pack full of refined foods, preservatives, additives, added sugars, hormones, and overall bad for your health. Jucing has been konwn to heal various diseases including shrinking tumors, fibroids, cysts, cancerous cells, great for fertility, skin hai, nails.......
   Theres is too much estrogen, plastics have xenoestrogen particules released when in microwave, under heat and released into food/water substance. I believe the best way of cleansing is fasting. YES Fasting. Why do people cringe when they hear that word. I talked about fasting earlier And also spiritual fasting or cleansing your toughts and inner man. I suggeest everyone fast and also try juice fasting. A very effective method of cleaning the body is juice fasting which is similar to water fasting, but it is preferred or practiced by many holistic health practitioners, because of the health benefits that juicing provides. During and after cleanisng - Don't use tap water, avoid pesticides, eat as many fruits and vegetables.
 I would start with a Master Cleanse. In 1940, Stanley Burroughs, developed the Master Cleanse to treat a stomach ulcer. Over the next 40 years, he promoted the cleanse to many of his patients for a variety of ailments. Rather than targeting a specific illness, the cleanse purges toxins from the gut and other organs, allowing it to begin the healing process.
The cleanse is ten days and consists of drinking water with lemon, pure maple syrup, and ceyenne pepper throughout the day. For specific proportions and an explanation of the exact Master Cleanse diet, look online. Several websites address the diet in more detail.
   When it comes to fertility and turning around an imbalance, a big shift needs to happen and large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables can help to support the body in that healing. Juicing is also the easiest way to get a large amount of easy to assimilate, fast nutrition. Juicing is a treasure for every women and man who is preparing for conception and pregnancy.Liquid nutrition makes it so much easier to get the amount of these nutrient dense foods into your body.
   In the body our cells are constantly dying and being created over and over again. Everything in the body is made up of cells. The uterus, blood, fallopian tubes, eggs, ovaries, and on and on are made from cells. When our body is creating these cells it is pulling from the foods that you eat for its building blocks. If you are eating fresh, whole foods and lots of them, then your body is going to have the ingredients it needs to produce healthy, vibrant cells. If you are eating processed foods, processed sugars and chemicals, that is what your body has to work with and will not be able to build healthy cells.  Benefits of jucing - balancing effect on cycle,balancing of hormones, increased egg health, healthier blood flow to the uterus, cleansing of the liver and blood, hydration to the body and reversal of common fertility issues.
Things to Juice:
I personally love carrots, apples,  and little bit of ginger.
Drinking soups, broths homemade and full of pureed fresh veggies.
A study done in August of 2007 showed that men who ate just one bowl of tomato soup a day boosted their fertility rate by 7 to 12%.

They are cleansing herbs available however I try to stay away from them. They are natural fruits, vegetables and natural ways of cleansing kidney, liver and entire system.

Carrots: It is rich in flavonoids which are known to reduce the risk of fibroids. Beta-carotene is one of the most antioxidants in the carrot, and helps the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells in the body. It also prevents DNA variation and fat oxidation, and protects cells against free radicals. By juicing carrots, Many people consider drinking carrot juice one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals.Many people consider drinking carrot juice one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals. It is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.It is rich with biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium and some trace minerals.The known phytonutrients in carrots are lutein, lycopene, anti-oxidants alpha, beta and gamma carotenes, zeaxanthin and xanthophyll. 
    You don't need to remember these fancy names, but just remember that phytonutrients are nature's marvelous provision for healing of various diseases.The health benefits of drinking carrot juice are thought to be good prenatal health, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair as well as helping in cancer prevention. You cannot overdose on carrot juice because it has alpha and beta carotene which are precursors to vitamin A. your liver will not convert more vitamin A from beta carotene than your body needs. If you're generally healthy without blood sugar problem, two or three medium-sized carrots daily would not cause any adverse effect (but diabetics should keep to just half a carrot a day).Juicing a carrot removes the indigestible fiber. Thus, the nutrients in it are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the carrot was eaten whole. Did you know that if you eat a carrot raw, you only get access to about 1% of the available beta carotene? But, when you or your child has a glass of carrot juice, you your system absorbs almost 100% or the beta carotene!
   Drinking carrot juice is also thought to improve eyesight due to Vitamin A creation in the body.Carrot juice does have a high concentration of natural sugar, so those with diabetes should consult their doctor as to how much they can drink. Drinking carrot juice is also thought to be good for reproductive health due to the Vitamin E content.Carrot juice is diuretic and helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body, reducing water retention, especially for women during their monthly menstruation cycle and in pregnant women.
  So those women ttc(trying to conceive), I highly recommend juicing carrots - can use my juicing ecipe below.
NOTE: YOU WILL FIND YOUR SKIN TURNING LIL ORANGE FROM THE DRINKING CARROTS. PLEASE IT IS NORMAL AND DONT BE SCARED.It is not the carrot juice that is showing through the skin but is an overflow of materials which have been clogging the liver and are being eliminated with the consumption of carrot juice.  This shows how effective carrot juice is at cleansing¾a good sign that the system is getting a good clean-up. When this "turning orange" happens, continue to take your carrot juice and the color will eventually go off as it cleanses.
 I RECOMMEND DRINKING 8 OZ A DAY IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING.  And not more than 3 glasses a day.
Rule of thumb - Never mix carrot juice with oranges, lemons, tangerine or acidic fruits.
If you live in the USA - Trader Joes has 1 lb organic carrots for $0.89!!!!! What a deal. And they also sell organic apples and celery for about $2-3 for 1b bag!!!

Beets: A study published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , November 6, 2002 showed that the pigment of red beet juice called betacyanin, which is also an antioxidant, protects against cancer.The cleansing and detoxing action of fresh beet juice has been linked in helping to combat several health problems including anemia, cancer, blood pressure, dandruff, liver and bile ailments to name a few. The Mini Beet Protocol shows more of the benefits of beet juice. This protocol reportedly removes belly fat, infertility, wrinkles and more. Robert Von, who is credited with the MBP, recommends that you should eat an apple after consuming the red beet juice. The apple helps to absorb toxins and fight nausea, which may be a side-effect of detoxing with red beet juice.
   Also, beets contain the minerals calcium,sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. The iron found in beets is of an exceptionally fine quality that makes it wonderful for building and cleansing the blood and your entire body.  Eating beets or drinking red beet juice may cause your stools to turn red or almost black and may give your urine a pink tinge. This is no cause for alarm since you know that it is the red beet juice that is causing this. If you like what you know about beet juice and want to drink it but also do the MBP, realize that beet juice is very concentrated so NEVER drink it alone. Always dilute it with a milder juice such as apple or carrot. Start out with drinking it in small amounts no more than ¼ cup full. Beet juice is a powerful detoxer and as such, it is best to add it slowly to your diet until you get used to it.
  Beet juice has traditionally been used as a natural health remedy to detox and build the blood. It contains betaine, a natural substance, that helps liver function. More recently betaine has been included in nutritional supplements used to lower homocysteine in the blood. this is a substance that damages blood vessels and is considered a heart disease risk.
However I don’t think any natural health practitioner would recommend that anyone should drink 500 ml of neat beet (beetroot) juice because of the strong reactions some people have to it. It is generally mixed with other juices such as carrot, celery and green leaves. The proportion is usually 1 part of beet juice to 4 parts of other vegetable juice.

Apples: Apparently, apple promotes hair growth too. I think this is one of the more peculiar health benefits of apples. Apparently, apple promotes hair growth too. I think this is one of the more peculiar health benefits of apples. Recent studies have shown that the fresher the apple juice kids drink, the less they suffer from breathing problems. Also, children with mothers who eat lots of apples have lower rates of asthma.Ingredients in apples called phytonutrients act to delay the breakdown of "bad" cholesterol. (LDL). Eating just two apples a day can lower your cholesterol by as much as 16 percent! Apples can help with some eye problems, and tend to strengthen the eyes. The high Vitamin A and C content also helps to treat night blindness.
  Did you know that a combination of apples along with apple skins contain high amounts of antioxidant compounds called phenols?
What are phenols?
Well...they help the body maintain proper cell growth, they also support the circulatory system and prevent the oxidation of the bad cholesterol in fat which causes premature aging in cells as well inflammation and other damage.

The Master Cleanse (also called "the lemonade cleanse" or "the lemonade diet") is a quick and effective way to clear harmful toxins out of your body, make you look younger, and give you an energy boost all in only 10 days. 1 personally willl only do it for a day and do not recommend for more than 1 day. Consult your physician efore embarking.  As a bonus, you can lose up to 20 pounds while on the cleansing diet.
    The short answer is that the Master Cleanse diet consists of drinking 6-12 glasses a day (for 10 days) of specially made lemonade containing:Master Cleanse
*  2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
*  2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
*  1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (surprisingly, it doesn't make the tea taste nasty)
*  10 oz of filtered water
There is no scientific evidence that it removes any "toxins", or that this diet achieves anything beyond temporary weight loss. Though unlikely to be harmful over the short term, it can be harmful over the long term. Nutritionist Jane Clark points to a lack of essential nutrients in this program, citing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the regimen. As a result of these deficiencies, including far fewer calories than the recommended amount for health and optimum functioning, individuals on the diet may experience headaches and a variety of other symptoms in the short term and the diet is potentially harmful over the long term.[3] The program has been described as an extreme fad or crash diet, and any weight lost during the fast can be expected to be regained once the diet is stopped.
So try it for 1 day.  And consult  adoctor if embarking on it.

You can use a juicer or blender (if using a blender - blend and then use a sieve or cheesecloth to filter)

Passionate Pumpkin
2 apricots (stoned)
1 mango (peeled and stoned)
1 slice pumpkin
Juice these ingredients, then blend with:
1 dessert spoon wheat germ
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 tiny pinch saffron
If blending - Add 1-2 8oz glasses of ater.
This juice is a fantastic concoction for women and men. The combination of ingredients encourage production of healthy sperm. It is packed with vitamin E, sometimes known as the fertility vitamin. Saffron is also widely thought to have aphrodisiac properties.

Here is a recipe that may be beneficial for baby-making:
2 carrot sticks preferably organic (average size)
2 apples preferably organic)
¼ raw beetroot (average size)
Add 1-2 glasses of water if blending
1-2 tbsp honey, stevia or agave nectar to sweeten

Apple lemony

* 2 apples -organic
* 1 lemon
* small slice of ginger
1 tbsp blackstrap molasses
dash of cayenne pepper
Juicing Tip: Juice the apples with their skins on. The skin is the most abundant area of the apple for flavonoid content. This will produce cloudy but more nutritious (and still delicious) apple juicer recipes. This healthy juicer recipe also makes a great remedy for colds. recipe great for cleansing, weight loss, tumors and removing toxins. I would start with this for the 3 days.
This combination detoxifies, improves the circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Alkaline Juice

-1 cup of spinach
- 1/2 cucumber
- 2 stalks of celery including leaves
- 3 carrots
- 1/2 apple
2-3 cups of water if blending
Add 2 tbsp hoeny, stevia or agave nectar to sweeten - optional
Juicing Tip: Juice cucumbers with their skins on. The dark green skin is a great source of chlorophyll, a phytochemical that can help build red blood cells. Cucumbers also contain silica, a mineral that is good for the skin. Make sure to wash them before making cucumber homemade juice recipes.


A Very Berry Medley

-2 cups of strawberries
- 2 cups of blueberries
- 1 1/2 cups of raspberries
Berries are among the quickest and easiest of fruits to juice. The only prepping they need is a quick rinse. Strawberries are a small exception as they will need to be topped before juicing. All berries are a great source of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and ellagic acid, all of which have been associated with anti-cancer and anti-heart disease benefits.

Power  C
* 1 grapefruit, cut in half
* 2 medium apples, cored  -organic
* Parsley, several sprigs
* 1/2 handful of grapes, seedless - organic
1 cup of water if blending, if jucing add all and juice.


Apple and Cucumber Zipper

-2 1/2 apples
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1″ of ginger
1-2 cups of water if blending
Remove apple stems and juice everything together. A favorite of ours!
Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help some people reduce arthritis based joint pain. Evidence points to one of the antioxidants in ginger called gingerol. It helps to combat oxidative damage to joint cells.

Pine-Apple Ginger Juice
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 inch ginger root
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Pineapple Carrot Juice
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple (optional)
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Drink pineapple juice in the mornings as it helps to reduce acidity in the blood stream. High acidity is known to cause tumors. Also pinapples are great for the uterus and buliding uterine lining, which is ideal for conception.

Water Retention Blaster
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1/4 watermelon
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Blend watermelon juice to reduce water retention and swelling. Also include other melons like honeydew and cantaloupe. Take on an empty stomach mornings are best.
Enjoy all the juice recipes. try them for at least 3 days. And consult  a doctor if embarking on it. Always use organic carrots and apples.  cheap at trader joes if in the usa.


  • 6 carrots - organic

  • 2 apples - organic

  • 1/2 beet  - peeled

  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar

  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending

  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional

  • Simple Carrot Juice
    - 5 Medium carrots
    2-3 glasses of water if blending
    This one is pretty simple!
    Wash and top the carrots, juice and enjoy.
    Wash your juicer immediately it is not made with stainless steel, otherwise the carrots will stain it.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Lime Salmon and Roasted Potatoes


    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

    You'll need:

    4 serving sized pieces of wild caught salmon
    1 red onion, sliced
    4 scallions, sliced
    4 cloves of garlic, chopped

    Make your sauce:

    1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
    1/3 cup raw organic agave nectar
    Fresh lime juice from two large limes
    A tiny, secret pinch of cinnamon- don't tell

    Tear off eight pieces of foil; two for each piece of salmon.Place one serving of salmon on one piece of foil. Season with a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

    Combine the olive oil, agave, lime juice and touch of cinnamon in a glass measuring cup. Pour the sauce all over the salmon pieces.

    Sprinkle the salmon with onions, scallions and garlic. Place the remaining pieces of foil on each serving and fold the edges to create a packet.

    Bake in a preheated oven for roughly 20 minutes, till it flakes easily- but is not dried out.
    Enjoy! Its healthy and great fertility recipe

    Mayo free potato salad with champagne vinegar is delicious, vegan and gluten free

    Champagne Vinegar Red Potato Salad
    Its Vegan and great fertility recipe

    1 bag of ripe and firm Red Bliss potatoes - about two pounds
    1 medium red onion
    Organic extra virgin olive oil
    Champagne vinegar
    Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper
    Tarragon - fresh, snipped, or dried

    Heat a large pot of fresh cold water to boil. Add some sea salt.

    Wash off the potatoes; leave the skins on. Cut the potatoes into quarters or bite size chunks. Put them into the water and simmer until fork tender - about 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, dice the onion.

    Drain the potatoes well and pour them into a large bowl. Add the onion and lightly mix. Add enough extra virgin olive oil to moisten the potatoes - about 1/4 cup or so. Drizzle liberally with the Champagne vinegar and toss. Taste test.

    Add more if needed. Don't be stingy.

    Season with sea salt, cracked pepper and tarragon. Mix well with a wooden spoon. I like to soften the shape of some of the potatoes, but not all. I prefer my potato salad with some definition.

    And now you have a choice. You can serve it warm - which is divine. Or cover and chill it. Once chilled, taste test for seasoning adjustments because the chilling process dampens the flavors a bit.

    Serves 4 to 6.