
Sunday, September 4, 2011



It is especially imporratnt to cleanse especially when ttc and the next step would be to boost immunity, which I will discuss next time. Cleansing is ver inmportant. It is the process of taking poison from your liver, kidneys, and bowel, and creating a healthy body that can fight disease and illness. In more specific terms, cleansing is about balancing the body and restoring the body’s proper pH balance and digestive health which has been altered by the typical Westerner’s diet that is pack full of refined foods, preservatives, additives, added sugars, hormones, and overall bad for your health. Jucing has been konwn to heal various diseases including shrinking tumors, fibroids, cysts, cancerous cells, great for fertility, skin hai, nails.......
   Theres is too much estrogen, plastics have xenoestrogen particules released when in microwave, under heat and released into food/water substance. I believe the best way of cleansing is fasting. YES Fasting. Why do people cringe when they hear that word. I talked about fasting earlier And also spiritual fasting or cleansing your toughts and inner man. I suggeest everyone fast and also try juice fasting. A very effective method of cleaning the body is juice fasting which is similar to water fasting, but it is preferred or practiced by many holistic health practitioners, because of the health benefits that juicing provides. During and after cleanisng - Don't use tap water, avoid pesticides, eat as many fruits and vegetables.
 I would start with a Master Cleanse. In 1940, Stanley Burroughs, developed the Master Cleanse to treat a stomach ulcer. Over the next 40 years, he promoted the cleanse to many of his patients for a variety of ailments. Rather than targeting a specific illness, the cleanse purges toxins from the gut and other organs, allowing it to begin the healing process.
The cleanse is ten days and consists of drinking water with lemon, pure maple syrup, and ceyenne pepper throughout the day. For specific proportions and an explanation of the exact Master Cleanse diet, look online. Several websites address the diet in more detail.
   When it comes to fertility and turning around an imbalance, a big shift needs to happen and large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables can help to support the body in that healing. Juicing is also the easiest way to get a large amount of easy to assimilate, fast nutrition. Juicing is a treasure for every women and man who is preparing for conception and pregnancy.Liquid nutrition makes it so much easier to get the amount of these nutrient dense foods into your body.
   In the body our cells are constantly dying and being created over and over again. Everything in the body is made up of cells. The uterus, blood, fallopian tubes, eggs, ovaries, and on and on are made from cells. When our body is creating these cells it is pulling from the foods that you eat for its building blocks. If you are eating fresh, whole foods and lots of them, then your body is going to have the ingredients it needs to produce healthy, vibrant cells. If you are eating processed foods, processed sugars and chemicals, that is what your body has to work with and will not be able to build healthy cells.  Benefits of jucing - balancing effect on cycle,balancing of hormones, increased egg health, healthier blood flow to the uterus, cleansing of the liver and blood, hydration to the body and reversal of common fertility issues.
Things to Juice:
I personally love carrots, apples,  and little bit of ginger.
Drinking soups, broths homemade and full of pureed fresh veggies.
A study done in August of 2007 showed that men who ate just one bowl of tomato soup a day boosted their fertility rate by 7 to 12%.

They are cleansing herbs available however I try to stay away from them. They are natural fruits, vegetables and natural ways of cleansing kidney, liver and entire system.

Carrots: It is rich in flavonoids which are known to reduce the risk of fibroids. Beta-carotene is one of the most antioxidants in the carrot, and helps the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells in the body. It also prevents DNA variation and fat oxidation, and protects cells against free radicals. By juicing carrots, Many people consider drinking carrot juice one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals.Many people consider drinking carrot juice one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals. It is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.It is rich with biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium and some trace minerals.The known phytonutrients in carrots are lutein, lycopene, anti-oxidants alpha, beta and gamma carotenes, zeaxanthin and xanthophyll. 
    You don't need to remember these fancy names, but just remember that phytonutrients are nature's marvelous provision for healing of various diseases.The health benefits of drinking carrot juice are thought to be good prenatal health, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair as well as helping in cancer prevention. You cannot overdose on carrot juice because it has alpha and beta carotene which are precursors to vitamin A. your liver will not convert more vitamin A from beta carotene than your body needs. If you're generally healthy without blood sugar problem, two or three medium-sized carrots daily would not cause any adverse effect (but diabetics should keep to just half a carrot a day).Juicing a carrot removes the indigestible fiber. Thus, the nutrients in it are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the carrot was eaten whole. Did you know that if you eat a carrot raw, you only get access to about 1% of the available beta carotene? But, when you or your child has a glass of carrot juice, you your system absorbs almost 100% or the beta carotene!
   Drinking carrot juice is also thought to improve eyesight due to Vitamin A creation in the body.Carrot juice does have a high concentration of natural sugar, so those with diabetes should consult their doctor as to how much they can drink. Drinking carrot juice is also thought to be good for reproductive health due to the Vitamin E content.Carrot juice is diuretic and helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body, reducing water retention, especially for women during their monthly menstruation cycle and in pregnant women.
  So those women ttc(trying to conceive), I highly recommend juicing carrots - can use my juicing ecipe below.
NOTE: YOU WILL FIND YOUR SKIN TURNING LIL ORANGE FROM THE DRINKING CARROTS. PLEASE IT IS NORMAL AND DONT BE SCARED.It is not the carrot juice that is showing through the skin but is an overflow of materials which have been clogging the liver and are being eliminated with the consumption of carrot juice.  This shows how effective carrot juice is at cleansing¾a good sign that the system is getting a good clean-up. When this "turning orange" happens, continue to take your carrot juice and the color will eventually go off as it cleanses.
 I RECOMMEND DRINKING 8 OZ A DAY IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING.  And not more than 3 glasses a day.
Rule of thumb - Never mix carrot juice with oranges, lemons, tangerine or acidic fruits.
If you live in the USA - Trader Joes has 1 lb organic carrots for $0.89!!!!! What a deal. And they also sell organic apples and celery for about $2-3 for 1b bag!!!

Beets: A study published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , November 6, 2002 showed that the pigment of red beet juice called betacyanin, which is also an antioxidant, protects against cancer.The cleansing and detoxing action of fresh beet juice has been linked in helping to combat several health problems including anemia, cancer, blood pressure, dandruff, liver and bile ailments to name a few. The Mini Beet Protocol shows more of the benefits of beet juice. This protocol reportedly removes belly fat, infertility, wrinkles and more. Robert Von, who is credited with the MBP, recommends that you should eat an apple after consuming the red beet juice. The apple helps to absorb toxins and fight nausea, which may be a side-effect of detoxing with red beet juice.
   Also, beets contain the minerals calcium,sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. The iron found in beets is of an exceptionally fine quality that makes it wonderful for building and cleansing the blood and your entire body.  Eating beets or drinking red beet juice may cause your stools to turn red or almost black and may give your urine a pink tinge. This is no cause for alarm since you know that it is the red beet juice that is causing this. If you like what you know about beet juice and want to drink it but also do the MBP, realize that beet juice is very concentrated so NEVER drink it alone. Always dilute it with a milder juice such as apple or carrot. Start out with drinking it in small amounts no more than ¼ cup full. Beet juice is a powerful detoxer and as such, it is best to add it slowly to your diet until you get used to it.
  Beet juice has traditionally been used as a natural health remedy to detox and build the blood. It contains betaine, a natural substance, that helps liver function. More recently betaine has been included in nutritional supplements used to lower homocysteine in the blood. this is a substance that damages blood vessels and is considered a heart disease risk.
However I don’t think any natural health practitioner would recommend that anyone should drink 500 ml of neat beet (beetroot) juice because of the strong reactions some people have to it. It is generally mixed with other juices such as carrot, celery and green leaves. The proportion is usually 1 part of beet juice to 4 parts of other vegetable juice.

Apples: Apparently, apple promotes hair growth too. I think this is one of the more peculiar health benefits of apples. Apparently, apple promotes hair growth too. I think this is one of the more peculiar health benefits of apples. Recent studies have shown that the fresher the apple juice kids drink, the less they suffer from breathing problems. Also, children with mothers who eat lots of apples have lower rates of asthma.Ingredients in apples called phytonutrients act to delay the breakdown of "bad" cholesterol. (LDL). Eating just two apples a day can lower your cholesterol by as much as 16 percent! Apples can help with some eye problems, and tend to strengthen the eyes. The high Vitamin A and C content also helps to treat night blindness.
  Did you know that a combination of apples along with apple skins contain high amounts of antioxidant compounds called phenols?
What are phenols?
Well...they help the body maintain proper cell growth, they also support the circulatory system and prevent the oxidation of the bad cholesterol in fat which causes premature aging in cells as well inflammation and other damage.

The Master Cleanse (also called "the lemonade cleanse" or "the lemonade diet") is a quick and effective way to clear harmful toxins out of your body, make you look younger, and give you an energy boost all in only 10 days. 1 personally willl only do it for a day and do not recommend for more than 1 day. Consult your physician efore embarking.  As a bonus, you can lose up to 20 pounds while on the cleansing diet.
    The short answer is that the Master Cleanse diet consists of drinking 6-12 glasses a day (for 10 days) of specially made lemonade containing:Master Cleanse
*  2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
*  2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
*  1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (surprisingly, it doesn't make the tea taste nasty)
*  10 oz of filtered water
There is no scientific evidence that it removes any "toxins", or that this diet achieves anything beyond temporary weight loss. Though unlikely to be harmful over the short term, it can be harmful over the long term. Nutritionist Jane Clark points to a lack of essential nutrients in this program, citing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the regimen. As a result of these deficiencies, including far fewer calories than the recommended amount for health and optimum functioning, individuals on the diet may experience headaches and a variety of other symptoms in the short term and the diet is potentially harmful over the long term.[3] The program has been described as an extreme fad or crash diet, and any weight lost during the fast can be expected to be regained once the diet is stopped.
So try it for 1 day.  And consult  adoctor if embarking on it.

You can use a juicer or blender (if using a blender - blend and then use a sieve or cheesecloth to filter)

Passionate Pumpkin
2 apricots (stoned)
1 mango (peeled and stoned)
1 slice pumpkin
Juice these ingredients, then blend with:
1 dessert spoon wheat germ
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 tiny pinch saffron
If blending - Add 1-2 8oz glasses of ater.
This juice is a fantastic concoction for women and men. The combination of ingredients encourage production of healthy sperm. It is packed with vitamin E, sometimes known as the fertility vitamin. Saffron is also widely thought to have aphrodisiac properties.

Here is a recipe that may be beneficial for baby-making:
2 carrot sticks preferably organic (average size)
2 apples preferably organic)
¼ raw beetroot (average size)
Add 1-2 glasses of water if blending
1-2 tbsp honey, stevia or agave nectar to sweeten

Apple lemony

* 2 apples -organic
* 1 lemon
* small slice of ginger
1 tbsp blackstrap molasses
dash of cayenne pepper
Juicing Tip: Juice the apples with their skins on. The skin is the most abundant area of the apple for flavonoid content. This will produce cloudy but more nutritious (and still delicious) apple juicer recipes. This healthy juicer recipe also makes a great remedy for colds. recipe great for cleansing, weight loss, tumors and removing toxins. I would start with this for the 3 days.
This combination detoxifies, improves the circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Alkaline Juice

-1 cup of spinach
- 1/2 cucumber
- 2 stalks of celery including leaves
- 3 carrots
- 1/2 apple
2-3 cups of water if blending
Add 2 tbsp hoeny, stevia or agave nectar to sweeten - optional
Juicing Tip: Juice cucumbers with their skins on. The dark green skin is a great source of chlorophyll, a phytochemical that can help build red blood cells. Cucumbers also contain silica, a mineral that is good for the skin. Make sure to wash them before making cucumber homemade juice recipes.


A Very Berry Medley

-2 cups of strawberries
- 2 cups of blueberries
- 1 1/2 cups of raspberries
Berries are among the quickest and easiest of fruits to juice. The only prepping they need is a quick rinse. Strawberries are a small exception as they will need to be topped before juicing. All berries are a great source of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and ellagic acid, all of which have been associated with anti-cancer and anti-heart disease benefits.

Power  C
* 1 grapefruit, cut in half
* 2 medium apples, cored  -organic
* Parsley, several sprigs
* 1/2 handful of grapes, seedless - organic
1 cup of water if blending, if jucing add all and juice.


Apple and Cucumber Zipper

-2 1/2 apples
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1″ of ginger
1-2 cups of water if blending
Remove apple stems and juice everything together. A favorite of ours!
Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help some people reduce arthritis based joint pain. Evidence points to one of the antioxidants in ginger called gingerol. It helps to combat oxidative damage to joint cells.

Pine-Apple Ginger Juice
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 inch ginger root
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Pineapple Carrot Juice
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple (optional)
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Drink pineapple juice in the mornings as it helps to reduce acidity in the blood stream. High acidity is known to cause tumors. Also pinapples are great for the uterus and buliding uterine lining, which is ideal for conception.

Water Retention Blaster
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1/4 watermelon
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar
  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending
  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional
Blend watermelon juice to reduce water retention and swelling. Also include other melons like honeydew and cantaloupe. Take on an empty stomach mornings are best.
Enjoy all the juice recipes. try them for at least 3 days. And consult  a doctor if embarking on it. Always use organic carrots and apples.  cheap at trader joes if in the usa.


  • 6 carrots - organic

  • 2 apples - organic

  • 1/2 beet  - peeled

  • 1/4 inch ginger -peeled or dash of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar

  • 2 - 3 cups of water if blending

  • 1-2 tbsp of honey , stevia or agave nectar - optional

  • Simple Carrot Juice
    - 5 Medium carrots
    2-3 glasses of water if blending
    This one is pretty simple!
    Wash and top the carrots, juice and enjoy.
    Wash your juicer immediately it is not made with stainless steel, otherwise the carrots will stain it.

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