- To maintain optimal health and proper reproductive functions, one must remain optimally hydrated. Filtered and natural spring water are the safest choices
Yellow and Orange Vegetables
-Yellow and orange vegetables contain an abundance of beta carotene, an antioxidant, which has been shown to maintain hormonal balance and ward off miscarriage. Carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruits, lemon, mangoes, nectarines, papayas, oranges, golden kiwifruit, peaches, butternut squash, pineapples, yellow beets, yellow peppers, yellow potatoes, pumpkin, yellow tomatoes, yellow winter squash, rutabagas.
Plant Protein
Broccoli and Cabbage
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain a phytonutrient called DIM that helps with estrogen metabolism. They are also known to prevent fibroids and endometriosis in women.
Carrots, peas and sweet potatoes - Containing beta-carotene, these veggies will help regulate a menstrual cycle, thus improving chances for conception.
Strawberries, blueberries, oranges, papaya, kiwi and cantaloupe
- Full of vitamin C and antioxidants, these fruits offer healthful reproductive benefits to women trying to conceive.
Meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products (Protein)
- Amino acids in protein are vital for viable egg production and for making LH and FSH which are important fertility hormones. Scientific research also suggests women who get more of their protein from plants and less from animal sources have fewer overall ovulatory issues. Be certain to monitor mercury level intake from seafood as high levels can be toxic.
Whole grains
Oily fish
Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are the best source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) omega-3 and omega-6 which play an important role in regulating reproductive functioning, improving blood flow and enhancing sperm quality and mobility. Flaxseed oil is a good EFA alternative for those who don't eat fish. avocados, nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds also has omega-3.
Full fat dairy
Research has found that women who eat at least one portion of full fat dairy a day are significantly less likely to suffer from fertility problems that those who consistently go for low fat or non dairy options. Dairy products are also a great source of calcium which is important in the development and maintenance of the nervous system, bones and blood.
Although not typically known as a food for romance, garlic contains an abundance of fertility boosting nutrients and can easily be neutralised with parsley. Must be cooked and not eaten raw. It's a great source of the mineral selenium which is thought to enhance male fertility and help prevent the chromosome breakage that may play a role in early miscarriage. Garlic also contains vitamin B6 which helps to regulate hormones and strengthens the immune system.
Lean red meat
Lean red meat is a great source of iron which helps to prevent anaemia, decreases the risk of ovulatory infertility and plays a role in the production and function of red blood cells. Red meat is also a good source of vitamin B12 which is essential in the maintenance and development of the nervous system. If preferably buy organic and non-processed.
Honey has been used to enhance fertility throughout history as it is incredibly rich in the minerals and amino acids that nourish the reproductive system and stimulate ovarian function. It's considered by many to be a fertility boosting super food.

Spinach and other leafy greens such as - turnips, okazi, waterleaf, collards, mustard greens, okra are an excellent source of folic acid which is important in optimising sperm production, facilitating regular, healthy ova production and helping to prevent neural tube defects during early pregnancy. It is also a great source of iron and vitamin C which helps to enhance sperm quality by protecting the DNA stored within it from damage.
It is the abundance of zinc found in this seafood delicacy that gives it its fertility boosting qualities. Pumpkin seed also contains lots of zinc. Zinc is often considered to be the most important fertility nutrient as it has been shown to help with both healthy sperm and egg production. If oysters aren't your thing, zinc can also be found in baked beans, eggs, nuts, whole grains and pumpkin seeds. I purchase smoked can oysters from Trader Joes about $2, use them with greens and love them with stuffing.
The question is"Can you handle the heat". These certainly 'spice' things up in the fertility department by increasing the flow of blood around the body, ensuring that the reproductive system gets a healthy supply. Chillies also stimulate endorphin production which means more fertility boosting, stress releasing, happy hormones circulate around your body and are also an excellent source of vitamin C which helps with iron absorption.
Vitamin E.
Avocado, Extra Virgin Olive Oil& Palm oil provides a rich source of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant and an essential fertility nutrient for both men and women as it improves the viability of sperm and helps to regulate both ovulation and the production of cervical mucus. It is also an excellent source of unsaturated fats which are essential for healthy hormone functioning. Can also be found in almonds, peanuts, 1 kiwi fruit and wheat germ oil.
Pomegranate juice:
Another powerful player in antioxidant circles is the pomegranate. According to research in mice, pomegranate juice can boost sperm count and quality. What better reasons are there to add this juice to your man’s meal? It's also great for women. It helps build thicker uterine lining to help implantation.
Wild yams:
Some experts think that this staple contains a substance that may help stimulate ovulation. In fact, populations that eat a lot of wild yams have a high rate of twins. This research is based on an African tribe -the Yorubas especially in Nigeria, that uses yams as a main staple of their diet and produces a large percentage of twins. Though the exact cause isn't known, researchers believe a chemical in the yams increases the likelihood of hyperovulation.
When it comes to fertility foods, this one may have double the effect! Sweet potatoes are not yams. Cassava, african yams, chinese yams, yellow yams, white yams. Can be found at asian, carribean and african grocery stores. The flour is also sold at such grocery stores - Used to make pounded yam and cassava fufu. Yams must be peeled and boiled just like boiling potatoes. I'll post a recipe later on.
Blueberries and raspberries are particularly packed with antioxidants, which help prevent damage and aging to your body’s cells — and this includes cells in your reproductive system — namely, your eggs. So a diet that’s rich in berries may help keep your eggs healthy and increase their shelf life.
The enzyme -Bromelain found in the core of the pineapple helps with implantation n women alone. And also improves ureine lining. The core is where most of the bromelain is. However do not eat too much of it/drink too much as it may cause uterine contractions. I usually blend 1/2 cup with 1 banana, 1 cup organic strawberries and 1 teaspoon almond butter with ice and little water. Unripe pineapple is poisonous and can cause extreme diarrhea. Most women take them from day 1 of your cycle till pregnancy is confirmed.
Green tea
Drinking green tea may even help not only with female fertility, but with male fertility problems as well. Some green tea advocates suggest that green tea may help with low sperm count, and even with sperm motility. It helps in increasing cervical mucus in women, which helps sperm fertilize. Green tea also contains strong antioxidants called polyphenols that cleanse your system. This will improve not only your fertility but your digestive system as well.
Other health benefits of green tea that some people have suggested include:
- Increased success at weight loss attempts. Makes flat stomach.
- Reduced risk of heart disease and heart problems
- Reduces risk of various types of cancer
- improves cholesterol levels, both lowering the bad cholesterol and raising the good
- Help prevent tooth decay when used alongside a regular oral hygiene regimen
- Increases the overall effectiveness of the autoimmune system.
As few as two cups of green tea per day may not only be able to help with conception, but may provide you many other health benefits as well.
Must be taken for women on cycle day 1-until ovulation. Do not take after ovulation as it may cause uterine contractions and if pregnant, can deplete body of folic acid.
I would suggest taking decaffeinated green tea.
Folic Acid
Folic acid, also called folate or folacin, is one of the B vitamins, also known as B9. It is a vital raw material for production of red blood cells, as well as norepinephrine and serotonin (chemical components of the nervous system). Folic acid also helps to synthesize genetic material in every cell of the body and normalize brain function. Taking folic acid before conception reduces the risk of neural-tube defects such as spina bifida in babies in the womb. Children and adults both require folic acid in order to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia
The recommended daily intake of folic acid for all women of childbearing age is at least 400 micrograms (mcg), or 0.4 milligrams (mg). During pregnancy, the recommended dose jumps up to 600 – 800 mcg, or 0.6 – 0.8 mg, a day. Most prenatal vitamins contain the appropriate dosage of folic acid along with other vitamins that will help you stay healthy
Foods containing Folic acid - Leafy green vegetables are a good source of folate, lentils, wheat germ, beans, peas, egg yolks, banana, orange juice, cantaloupe, raomaine lettuce, fortified grain products, spears, asparagus, papaya, broccoli, cantaloupe, eggs and canned wild salmon. And manufacturers are now required by the FDA to add folic acid to enriched cereal grain products such as flour, pasta, and rice. So replace the regular cereals with these and add a bowl of fresh salad to your daily diet.
Supplements that can help
Pre Seed
It is not a food, just a lubricant. About $18 for 8 applications.
Approximately 11 million couples in the US, are trying to conceive (TTC). On average, a couple only has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant each month during the woman’s fertile time. Intercourse on demand at ovulation can lead to anxiety and increased vaginal dryness --as can many fertility medications. In fact, 75% of women report an increase in their frequency of dryness when TTC.
Unfortunately, “everyday” personal lubricants can damage sperm and keep them from swimming normally. This includes all the leading lubricants and even saliva /mineral oil/ ky or water. Numerous medical studies have shown that these products should not be used when you are ready to become pregnant
Traditional lubricants harm sperm because they have the wrong pH or osmolality (ion/salt concentration) or because they have ingredients in them such as glycerol (glycerin) which is toxic to sperm, especially at body temperatures.
Pre~Seed is the first ‘fertility-friendly’ Personal Lubricant that mimics natural body secretions to relieve vaginal dryness while providing an optimal sperm environment. Its moisture is delivered in the same pH , osmolality and viscosity (thickness) as fertile cervical mucus. Pre~Seed does not harm sperm or embryos, and is less irritating to women than the leading lubricants.
A little goes a long way when using it. There are so many positive reviews on pre seed and couples getting pregnant. you can go to their site for more information. http://www.preseed.com/ It can be purchased at amazon, cvs, walgreens, drugstore.com, target, pregnancystore.com, early-pregnancy-tests.com. If trying to purchase internationally contact preseed directly for referrals.
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception for Her
Price: £9.95 About $15.44
The makers of Pregnacare®, the UK’s leading pregnancy supplement, have developed Pregnacare® Conception to provide advanced nutritional support when trying for a baby.
Ideal for all women to help build nutritional stores for before conception, the formula includes key nutritional elements:
Folic Acid – Pregnacare® Conception provides 400mcg folic acid, the exact level recommended by the UK Department of Health for all women who are trying to conceive. As well as the healthy development of the foetal neural tube, folic acid may also play a role in conception, and is required in the first days and weeks of life, before you are even aware that you are pregnant.Antioxidant minerals with natural vitamin E – Important co-factors in antioxidant enzymes, to help protect genetic material from free radical damage. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, important for helping maintain healthy skin, nerves, heart and circulation, muscles and red blood cells. Pregnacare® Conception contains a low recommended dietary intake of 20mg. This is present in the natural form which is better absorbed by the mother and transported to the foetus than synthetic vitamin E.
Inositol – Inositol may help support ovarian function and influence fertility. It is involved in the cell signalling pathway which influences fertilization and cell growth.
L-Arginine – Well known as a precursor in nitric oxide (NO) metabolism, L-arginine can influence release of the egg from the ovaries (follicular release) as well as healthy follicular blood flow and implantation.
N-acetyl cysteine – A precursor of glutathione, an important antioxidant in the body. N-acetyl cysteine is also important for healthy cervical secretions.
Vitamin B12 – Part of the B complex group of vitamins, it has been found that B12 supplementation can help to maintain healthy ovarian function and reproductive health.
As with any medication please consult a physician before taking.
Vitabiotics Wellman Conception Price: £9.95 about $15.44
Wellman® Conception recognises that men have an important influence on conception and have distinct reproductive health needs of their own. Many men now recognise the importance of getting themselves in shape and adopting a healthier lifestyle when trying for a baby. The advanced formula combines a potent blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals with amino acids, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine and folic acid which have been specifically chosen for their role in male reproductive function and health.
Wellman® Conception should be taken daily as an integral part of an overall healthy lifestyle, ideally three months before trying to conceive, while, at the same time, Pregnacare® Conception has been specially designed for your partner with vitamins, essential minerals and 400mcg folic acid
The formula also includes other key nutrients that are ideal for all men when trying for a baby with their partner:
Peruvian MACA Extract – Sourced from the Peruvian herbaceous plant, this organic source Maca contains important nutrients including amino acids and fatty acids, which are essential for male reproductive health.
Co-Enzyme Q10 – Acts as an antioxidant and energy-releasing agent and is thought to stabilize the integrity of the sperm flagella.
Folic Acid – Studies suggest that supplementation of folic acid along with zinc supports sperm health.
Lycopene – Highly regarded for its exceptional antioxidant properties, nutritional studies have shown intake of Lycopene linked to prostate health.
Siberian Ginseng Extract – Widely used to help maintain overall male vitality.
Pine Bark Extract ( 95% Proanthocyanidins ) – Highly effective antioxidants which may play a role in protecting sperm. Free radicals (responsible for oxidative cell) are said to be responsible for 40 percent of sperm damage.
You can also purchase Pregnacare His&Her conception
Price: £17.95. About $28.
As with any medication please consult a physician before taking.
You can purchase all vitabiotics products recommened on their site. http://www.vitabiotics.com/ They also ship internationally and to the USA.
In general when trying for a baby it pays to go for good quality, unprocessed foods as these are likely to be much richer in vitamins, minerals and nutrients and also freer from pesticides and added oestrogens that may disrupt reproductive functioning in both men and women. By supplementing a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle with the foods listed above you will help to ensure you have all the nutrients you need to ensure your reproductive system is in optimum condition. Also remember to take folic acid rich food You can also check on my pre pregnancy cookbook recommendations -on my blog for December. Can be purchased at amazon for cheaper price and has lots of recipes. I highly recommend "take charge of your fertility book" by Toni Wesschler, to know you peak ovulation time and know your body well. Not every woman ovulates on 14 day. Chart, take your temperature with a basal body thermometer if you can.
Along with food and supplements, prayer works wonders. God is able to do what we cannot, give all your cares to him and trust that he is able!
I drank green tea but didn't know it was good for men too. Will definitely have my husband drinking
ReplyDeleteI used Pregnacare Conception and got pregnant a month later. Vitabiotics products rock!! They are high quality and better than some USA.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Kay! You covered most of the basics. We just got married and will definitely add these to our foods.
ReplyDeleteGood pregnancy tips,thanks for ur help we will try them and I pray these works very fast
ReplyDeleteI appreciated your work very thanks male fertility