
Saturday, December 4, 2010


So I am walking past the cafeteria and a girl stop by, literally grabbing me saying "you have the most glowing skin" I'm like really.  thanks!  So I decided to do a post on beauty and skincare. I will share my beauty tips, secrets and all. "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT".

        So yes you are what you eat. How you take care of your body inside, shows outside. just common sense.
Water. The number one thing that you can put into your body if you want great-looking skin is water. The more water you drink, the more you flush all of the other stuff out of your body and the healthier your skin is going to look.

Green tea. When you’re not drinking water, you should be drinking green tea. It has many, many different health benefits including benefits for the skin. It also helps you lose belly fat!! Yes it does!! I've tried it years back and it works always! That's why those chinese dont have belly fat!! :-)
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, essential for the production of collagen (the elastic tissue in our skin that declines with age). Every time you are smoking, under stress or under too much sun exposure, your are draining vitamin C from your body, so it is best to avoid these situations in excess. Vitamin is found in: Kiwi - Has 100% witamin E & C, tomatoes, citrus fruits, broccoli.

Vitamin E
Another antioxidant, Vitamin E has a powerful action against the damage of free radicals. This vitamin helps our skin retain its moisture, and a lack of it brings premature wrinkles, pale skin, acne, easy bruising and slow wound healing. Vitamin E can be found in:
 avocados - which we love at home, wheat germ, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and sweet potatoes
Vitamin B complex
Keep your skin moist and smooth with Vitamin B complex. It releases energy from food for skin metabolism. This can be found in:
whole grain, wheat germ, eggs, yogurt,milk,

Beta carotene is the plant form of the vitamin A, converted by our bodies. It protects us from the aging effect of the sun and can be found in:

* Dark green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, watercress)

* Orange fruit and vegetables
Perfect for protection against free radicals and to counter dry skin. Selenium along with vitamin E support the immune system. Found in:

* Cereals

* Meat

* Offal

* Seafood

* Eggs

* Cheese

* Brazil nuts

* Whole grains

* Mushrooms

* Beans

* Molasses

* Wheat germs
Zinc is another mineral vital to the immune system. It manufactures collagen and speeds up healing in our bodies, included skin. A deficiency produces stretch marks, a dull complexion, white spots on fingernails, dandruff and stubborn blemishes. Zinc can be found on:

* Seafood - OYSTERS*** Has the Most zinc. I love them especially in stuffing!!

* Red meat

* Cheese

* Brewer’s yeast

* Whole grains

* Mushrooms

* Offal

* Eggs

* Turkey and nuts

Cantaloupe. This food increases antioxidants in your body which increases your ability to absorb free radicals which in turn reduce skin problems so that you have healthier skin

Tomatoes. This is another food that is rich in anti-oxidants and so will have the same skin-boosting benefits that the cantaloupe will give to you.
Sweet potatoes. This is a vegetable alternative to the cantaloupe and tomato options that you may want to try to get those free radicals flowing healthfully throughout your body and fighting off skin problems.
Carrots. If you want to get your Vitamin A but you aren’t that big of a fan of leafy green vegetables then you may want to turn to carrots to improve your skin with this vitamin.your skin gets renewed more quickly and the freshest (nicest looking) skin is on top where everyone you meet can see it.
My husband loves my juice - 1 carrot, 1 apple seeds removed, organic strawberries - juice /blend and strain. can add ice and crush to create a slushie.
Berries. Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are all berries that are also rich in antioxidants. Eat them alone, toss them in cereal or add them to the sides of other dishes to increase the healthiness of your skin all throughout the day.
Omega3 Rich Fish Dishes. Wild Salmon especially. Omega3 is that “good fat” that we’re always trying to get even though we try to avoid the “bad fat”. One of the things that the Omega3 fats do is ward off any kind of inflammation. This means they’re good for the skin. You can find these in many different fish dishes including tuna, shellfish, sardines and salmon.
Flax seeds. You don’t have to eat fish to get the essential fatty acids that your body needs (and that improve your skin). An alternative option is to eat flax seeds/eat crackers with flax seed. I love Trader Joe's flax seed crackers - it has flax seed, quinoa and great proteins for about $2!!! Great deal!
Walnuts. These are yet another option that you can choose in addition to flax seeds or fish dishes if you want to improve your skin with those essential fatty acids.
The more essential fatty acids you consume the more plump you skin looks!
Lean red meat. Some people have poor skin because they don’t have enough iron in their diets. If you are concerned that you’re too pale or you have dark circles under your eyes then you may need more iron. Red meat is a great source for that but make sure that you’re not eating any red meat that is too high in fat.
Eggs. Eggs are a good iron-providing alternative for people who don’t want to eat much red meat.
Greens. Spinach, collards, mustard greens, kale. All rich in antioxidants and healthy for you

As you see there are many components in our diets that can help our skin. Instead of making yourself a diet just for skin care, make one that works for the health of your overall body, and then, if you find a deficiency you will know what foods you need to eat to keep your skin clear and good looking. It’s all about balancing your diet.

My next post will be about SKINCARE, FOUNDATIONS AND BEAUTY TIPS!!! So Look out for it!!

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