Fear encourages doubt and unbelief. It causes one to grow old quickly, heart to beat faster and onset of wrinkles. Past failures bring future fears. The habit of doubt is a hinderance to prayer.
"He that waverth is like a wave of the sea, driven of the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."
Our doubt in the promises of God shuts up o whole spiritual sensibilities, capabilities and renders us incapable of absorbing and appropraiting the blessing which is offered to us. It is normal to doubt but abnormal to continue to let doubt stop you from succeeding and moving forward.
I hear you say. How do I cope after a miscarriage, how do I cope after a job loss, how do I cope when my partner just left me, how do I cope after being abused, how do I cope after all my friends are married and still single, When will Mr/Mrs right come around.
The answer - Stand firm on his word. Doubt and fear comes through our thoughts and mind. So guarding your mind should be taken seriously.Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith giving glory to God. God is a God of love and he wishes for us to be blessed, fruitful, prosperous and he will never withold anything good from us.
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
Faith in God's word brings peace.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
Be specific: When dealing with God, you have to be specific. Its amazing how I observe people fasting and during the fast, they pray about so many things. All the men and women of the bible were specific. Whenever they spoke to God, they talked about a specific issue. This has really helped me in being organized in my prayer. Are you praying for a child? Find scriptures on fruitfulness - I posted varoius scriptures in my blog. And declare 1 of those scriptures daily.
Feed your eyes on positive things
Listen and follow God's leading. God uses different routes to bring miracles. He will speak to you about your situation, all you have to do is LISTEN.
Actions speak louder than words - So believe in your heart that the scripture you have been confessing is coming to past. Expect it to manifest. Are yo beleving for a child - Purchase a washcloth in the gender you want. And declare "my baby girl/boy will use this cloth by next/this year." Go to the room that will be your baby's room and declare you will be holding that child in that room this/next year. Hold the washcloth/object for the baby while declaring a scripture on conceiving and fruitfulness.
Continue being faithful in tithes and offering.
Father, we thank you that children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Children are your idea, Father; you commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Your word says I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. You said I and my husband would be a fruitful vine by the side of our house and our children like olive plants around our table. Thank you Father that you designed and fashioned us to have children, that in the Bible barrenness was the exception, not the rule, not your will, not normal, something against Your plan and purpose. And in your goodness every barren woman in the Bible conceived.
You said Father, that because You are our God, and we are Your people and have a covenant with You, that You will love us and bless us and multiply us and bless the fruit of our womb and that neither male nor female among your people would be barren. Father we are redeemed from the curse of the Law by Jesus, and being barren is under the curse of the Law; therefore, we will receive from Your grace and have children.
Father, no plaque, no evil shall come nigh our dwelling. We are healed by the stripes of Jesus. Sickness of any kind is taken out of our midst, we decree that reproductive issues, PCOS, PID, cysts, fibroids, low sperm count is taken out of our bodies now. You said to ask anything of You in Jesus' name and it will be done; So we pray and agree with your word and Decree it Done. We will conceive and bring forth a healthy precious baby to your Glory and Honor. YOu said to ask of anything and you will hear us.. This is the petition we desire of you and we receive it now. In Jesus Name. Amen
Pray this while touching your body.
Bodies, we speak to you in Jesus name; You will come in line and agreement with the Word of God. You will respond to His holy word. You will function properly and perfectly, the way God intended you to. Every part, every organ of our reproductive system conforms to the word and plan of God as we come together in pure marital love. Body, conceive! Be pregnant, Cooperate with God's plan: perfect ovulation, release of perfect eggs from the ovaries, through the fallopian tubes, penetrated and impregnated, fertilized by healthy sperm. Good solid attachment to the uterine wall and nourished and protected for 9 months(40 weeks) unharmed and unhindered. Grow to a perfect baby spirit should and body. Your Word says father, that none shall cast their young, nor be barren among your people and the number of our days you will fulfill. We decree that this pregnancy will be fulfilled. We decree it in Jesus' name and receive God's best; we wont' settle for anything less in Jesus holy name. Thank You Lord, that it is so and done to Your honor and glory. AMEN!
So confess this daily!! And soon you will conceive.
From - Prayers & Promises for Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. I urge you to purchase it from AMAZON.
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