I definitely know the feeling of trying to get pregnant quickly and what do you do after waiting for several years - Keep holding on. How do you stay happy for friends who are and u are not. Confession - I was happy for my friend but I was also longing for one! Guess what? Its normal.. Getting my lil gal after 3 1/2 yrs of waiting, there is really no joy in that, once I started being really happy for my close pregnant friends and helping them out any way I could, things started getting better and the load felt much lighter. There are 2 things to handle, the physical and the spiritual. If you are reding this and not religious, feel free to read some more. To me its not about religion but trusting in God, it does not hurt to and what the heck - Give it a try.
Losing my job and behind in bills, this indeed was the worst time of my life and added depression on not having a child. I cried and cried until I could cry no more. And you know what - I got tired of crying, I had to find answers and question God.. Oops did I just say that! Yes I did I questioned him. And you know what - he replied back. "If indeed you are real and your wordis true - create a turnaround for me". And he said "I will, obey the instructions I give to you."
I said to myself -what is the point of being sad, angry and depressed - It really leads to nothing. I was determined to get my answers and in the process know God more. I started reading the bible to find out if there were any barrenness, and the only one I cam e across was David's wife because she mocked God. All the women in the bible were fruitful. Arming myself with the word of God, I read a book called supernatural childbirth by Jackie Mize.
And used Prayers and promises for supernatural childbirth by Jackie Mize, I confessed the conception area daily - throughout the day.I decided to go on a 3 day dry fast with with an Apostle. Read every article by Nerida Walker, Spoke fruitfulness scriptures from the bible DAILY!
- Get rid of fear, fear of it not working - The unstable man is like a wind that blows to and fro. Renew your mind by reading fruitful scriptures daily and trust that God will be faithful. Most times its actually more mental than physical and that's where confessing frutiful scriptures regarding conception, makes the difference.
- Forgive: Remove any unforgiveness and bitterness, search your heart and forgive whoever it is that did you wrong. It hurt but guess what our emotions and mind does affect our bodies. God knows why he said forgive. If you feel compelled to call that person and let them know u have forgiven them, go ahead.Our emotions and words let the body know what we expect of it, and by visualizing certain changes we can help the body bring them about.
Unresolved family issues and painful childhood experiences can affect your relationship with yourself, your mate and family members, and can block your ability to support conception and pregnancy. There is a constant “dialogue” between your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that produce chemical, hormonal, neurological and muscular changes. These changes can throw off the delicately balanced hormonal system involved in reproduction.
Exploring all of your feelings involved in becoming pregnant is an essential part of the total process of conception, maintaining your pregnancy, and your labor and delivery. The question is what do you belief? Did you accept your doctor's response "eggs being too old'? Or "Im in my late thirties and cannot have any child? Does in line up with God's word?
"There shall be no one miscarrying or barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days."
Exodus 23:25-26. It doesnt state this applies to women below 35, there is no age limit.
- Tithe & Offerings;Giving to either a family with kids in need or Godly organization that support orphans. I started giving to CBN orphans and close friends with kids in need. Giving more than 10% and soon even without employment, bills started getting paid.
- Fasting: It could be the internet for a week, liquids like healthy smoothies for a day, removing any distractions you know are preventing you from being closer to God.
It is totally normal to take care of our bodies and handle it with care. We have eaten so much junk and not being healthy for years and having a healthy child also means trying to be healthy.
Most women actually do not know thier bodies - Do you know your ovulation date? Do you know what a cervical Mucus is? Do you know what foods to take to increase your cervical mucus? The more CM the better the chance. I highly recommend using - Fertility Friend - http://www.fertilityfriend.com/
Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF). And you can order cheap Ovulation and pregnancy tests from amazon, They have early detection pregnancy tests 5 for $2.85 and Wondfo Combo 40 Ovulation Tests and 10 Early Pregnancy Tests Strips for $9.49.
And about ovulation date - Not every woman is day 14/15, it could be later or earlier. And listen to God, he might just give you the right time. Most times when we really dont feel like it. I remember the month we conceived - I heard God loudly say "Go and have sex with your husband" I was like I'm tired but went anyways. So he will speak to you.
CD 1 -Is day 1 of your cycle - day you actually start your period. For ovulation tests - When the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, it is considered positive and ovulation will most likely happen within the next 12 to 36 hours. Most ladies test twice a day starting around CD12, once in the morning, once in the afternoon.
Temping - I would suggest getting a basal digital thermometer. I used to to get my temps and keep track of it. Take charge of your fertility explains everything. And thanks to the thermometer I knew I was pregnant even before taking a test.
I printed out the temping chart from www.tcoyf.com and used my BD therm, which really helped.
Green tea - Yep it helps a lot.Drinking green tea may even help not only with female fertility, but with male fertility problems as well. Some green tea advocates suggest that green tea may help with low sperm count, and even with sperm motility. It helps in increasing cervical mucus in women, which helps sperm fertilize. Green tea also contains strong antioxidants called polyphenols that cleanse your system.
Green tea helps to increase the amount of CM that you have. Drink 1-2 cups from CD1-Ovulation. Don’t drink green tea during the 2ww because it could cause uterine contractions which might impact implantation.
Grapefuit - Eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice increases your CM and creates a hospitable place.
Fertile CM is either watery or egg white cm. Watery is literally like water. Eggwhite cm is the most fertile and literally resembles egg whites. It can stretch more then 1-2 inches, but the color doesn’t matter, it could be clear, milky or even have some spotting.
Pomegranate - Pomegranate juice can help to thicken your lining which would help with implantation. If you don’t like the flavor, try adding some sparkling water. Drink 8oz of juice a day from CD1-O. You can drink it past ovulation, but it won’t impact your lining at that point.
Pineapple - Pineapple core (Bromelain) can help with implantation. Eat 1/5 of the core from O - 5dpo, but not longer. Not a ton of people do this, but you can try if you want to. It's better if you make it into a smoothie. The enzyme -Bromelain found in the core of the pineapple helps with implantation n women alone. And also improves ureine lining. The core is where most of the bromelain is. However do not eat too much of it/drink too much as it may cause uterine contractions. I usually blend 1/2 cup with 1 banana, 1 cup organic strawberries and 1 teaspoon almond butter with ice and little water. Unripe pineapple is poisonous and can cause extreme diarrhea. Most women take them from day 1 of your cycle till pregnancy is confirmed.
Eat more veggies and fruits than meat, if possible organic. Both man and woman, not just the woman. Yellow and orange vegetables contain an abundance of beta carotene, an antioxidant, which has been shown to maintain hormonal balance and ward off miscarriage. Start taking your prenatal vitamin. Alos increase water - pure clean filtered water. Avoid sodas and lots of juices.
Have sex - I mean come one - to have a baby you need to have sex. Probably more during your ovulation time.
There is nothing wrong with IVF and science stuff. If God leads you toward it and that is your last option, go ahead. I have seen women who used it along with everything said here and are blessed with kids. And I have also seen women with no womb or tubes and God miraculously healed them.
Preseed - Its great when dryness occurs and a little goes a long way.Pre~Seed is the first ‘fertility-friendly’ Personal Lubricant that mimics natural body secretions to relieve vaginal dryness while providing an optimal sperm environment. Its moisture is delivered in the same pH , osmolality and viscosity (thickness) as fertile cervical mucus. Pre~Seed does not harm sperm or embryos, and is less irritating to women than the leading lubricants.
If you need to meet an IF specialist to find out what is wrong - This relaly helps so you know what to pray for.
YES! I siad it Destress. REading those frutiful scriptures help and also find ways to relax. Either taking a walk, going to the spa, soaking in worship music or watching a good comedy. Relax your mind. God will perform his word, do all you can in the natural and stand on his word.
SOME TIPS FROM TCOYF and some blogs
When testing for pregnancy AVOID BLUE DYE TESTS - WHY? IT GIVES FALSE TESTS.
Always urinate after ... to avoid infection
After ... lay on the bed with pillow on the hips for at least 10 minutes turning left, right and middle.
Love your mate more - it sounds weird but deepen your relationship together and focus on the postive things. Spice up our relationship and sex life.
Guess what? Your mother gave birth to you and you will be give birth also!
Psa 128:2-4 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the LORD.
Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Deu 7:12-14 (Deu 30:9, 28:11 similar). If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep His covenant of love with you, as He swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land--your grain, new wine and oil--the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land that He swore to your forefathers to give you. You will be blessed more than any other people; none of your men or women will be childless, nor any of your livestock without young.
Gen 49:25 because of your father's God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb.
Gen 28:3 May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.
Lev 26:9"I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you."
1 CUP OF FROZEN BANANAS (Freezing bananas makes them creamy and yummy)
Add ice and blend- Yummy
Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie
10 ounces skim milk or plain almond milk
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
1 medium Frozen banana
1 tablesp honey/agave nectar
Make it: In a blender, combine all ingredients and mix until smooth. Use 6 ice cubes for a thicker consistency.
This recipe is for two. Blend the following ingredients:
1 cup of frozen fruit or better fresh, if in season and organic (mangoes, berries, or peaches)
5 ounces of skim or almond milk
2 scoops (30g) of whole food antioxidant powder coming from 100% berries You can find this at any health food store. Or 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries.
1 cup of spinach or your best greens
2 frozen bananas (this makes your fertility smoothie very smooth and gives it a good taste)
1/3 cup of yogurt or kefier (optional)
1 table spoon of honey (best if raw)
2 table spoons of almond butter(optional).
1 table spoon of flax seed oil or hemp oil (optional). You may not like the flavor so much, but it is great for you, add smaller amounts until you get used to the taste.
5 ounce of Pomegranate or 1 cup of fresh/ frozen pineapples
Blend and Enjoy! Drink at least once a day.
Best and easily absorped through your body. Wash carefully the following fruits and vegetables, do not peat them if they are organically grown. Juice them by adding them one at the time into your juicer. If you have a good juicer you can put a whole small size apple and 3 or more carrots at the time.
4 apples
2 beets
1 carrot
4 apples
4 celery stalks
And I Look forward to hearing great news from you all!
Thank you for your post, very encouraging!
ReplyDeleteMost Certainly Anony! Feel free to ask anything and I hope I was a blessing.
ReplyDeleteGREAT testimony! I found your blog through a post on one of my facebook pages. CONGRATULATIONS on your precious miracle :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Nerida!!! Thanks to you also, If I never found your video on youtube, I never would have been led on the journey to my miracle. God bless you richly!!! And I look forward to the women have their miracles this year and next. AMEN!!