
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Endometriosis And Natural Ways to Assist

Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the U.S., 1 million in Canada, and millions more worldwide. It occurs when tissue like that which lines the uterus (tissue called the endometrium) is found outside the uterus -- usually in the abdomen on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that support the uterus; the area between the vagina and rectum; the outer surface of the uterus; and the lining of the pelvic cavity. Other sites for these endometrial growths may include the bladder, bowel, vagina, cervix, vulva, and in abdominal surgical scars. Less commonly they are found in the lung, arm, thigh, and other locations.
This misplaced tissue develops into growths or lesions which respond to the menstrual cycle in the same way that the tissue of the uterine lining does: each month the tissue builds up, breaks down, and sheds. Menstrual blood flows from the uterus and out of the body through the vagina, but the blood and tissue shed from endometrial growths has no way of leaving the body. This results in internal bleeding, breakdown of the blood and tissue from the lesions, and inflammation -- and can cause pain, infertility, scar tissue formation, adhesions, and bowel problems.
What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?
  • Pain before and during periods
  • Pain with sex
  • Infertility
  • Fatigue
  • Painful urination during periods
  • Painful bowel movements during periods
  • Other Gastrointestinal upsets such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea.
In addition, many women with endometriosis suffer from:
  • Allergies
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Frequent yeast infections
Diagnosis is considered uncertain until proven by laparoscopy, a minor surgical procedure done under anesthesia. A laparoscopy usually shows the location, size, and extent of the growths. This helps the doctor and patient make better treatment choices.

What Causes Endometriosis?
The cause of endometriosis is unknown. The retrograde menstruation theory (transtubal migration theory) suggests that during menstruation some of the menstrual tissue backs up through the fallopian tubes, implants in the abdomen, and grows.  Some experts believe that all women experience some menstrual tissue backup and that an immune system problem or a hormonal problem allows this tissue to grow in the women who develop endometriosis.
Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue is distributed from the uterus to other parts of the body through the lymph system or through the blood system. A genetic theory suggests that it may be carried in the genes in certain families or that some families may have predisposing factors to endometriosis.
Surgical transplantation has also been cited in many cases where endometriosis is found in abdominal scars, although it has also been found in such scars when accidental implantation seems unlikely.
Another theory suggests that remnants of tissue from when the woman was an embryo may later develop into endometriosis, or that some adult tissues retain the ability they had in the embryo stage to transform reproductive tissue in certain circumstances.
My personal experience, my constant pelvic pain which I believe was endometriosis was contributed by my surgery scar. The adhesion from my abdominal scar was creating little growth and pain. I also had ovarian cyst and not until I couldn't walk, rushed to the emergency room. Only to find out what the real reason was and being told it would be difficult to get pregnant according to the doctors. If my mother was able to have kids, I definitely would and YOU WILL TOO!
My Regimen:
1. Being positive and trusting in God to fulfill his promise. Genesis 17:6 "I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you."  You were created to be fruitful and bear kids! Regardless of your condition or situation. I know its not easy believing when your symptoms show otherwise. Your mind and body are connected, the pituary gland in our brains actually regulate the ovaries. So there is power in positive thinking.
     Everyday when I got up, I would take that scripture and read out loud "He has made me fruitful and children will come forth from me". I would walk around my home declaring my kids will be in my home, I walked to their room and declared they would sleep in that room. It took 4 years but eventually it occurred.
2. Reduce Stress. Find ways to reduce stress, do some exercise  to get that blood flowing, get a massage. In the Infertility Cure by Radine Lewis, she suggested in doing light massage below the navel before ovulation not after. Apply a warm cloth over there daily, use light pressure and massage anti clockwise. This is great for cysts, fibroids and endometrial tissue.  Exercise stimulates blood circulation and reduces estrogen production.
3.  Avoid Cold foods, I know it sounds bizzare and even my mom tells me to avoid too cold foods. It does work, why? warming foods actually stimulates intestinal movement  and activates the kidneys. So for those having bowel issues cut back on cold or too cold foods/ice. It's okay every now and then but don't make cold foods a habit. Drink warm water the first thing in the morning.
    According to Chinese medicine, cold and raw vegetables such as salads tend to weaken the spleen unless the individuals who consume them are robust and strong (“Yang” type person).  This could be the reason why many vegetarians look pale because of their weak spleen although Vitamin B12 deficiency may also be responsible. Also, most vegetarians eat a lot of salad, even though cooked vegetables are better to eat.  One of the common signs of weak spleen is dry lips or frequent thirst.  Chronic diarrhea or loose bowel may be another sign of weak spleen.  Since the spleen is an important organ for red cell production, weak spleen is a common cause of anemia, especially in cases that do not respond to iron supplements.
4. Avoid food or herbs with estrogenic properties and liver/kidney weakening foods example - white flour, white sugar, fried foods, too much citrus fruits(I cut back on my orange juice & tomato/tomato sauce), chocolate, cow's milk (Once I eliminated this my cysts decreased tremendously), Soy, flaxseeds(Apparently I was eating so much, taking the oil and the seeds, once I stopped I saw a difference), Don Quai, Licorice, Ginseng, Royal Jelly, fennel, anise, flaxseed oil, clover, red clover, evening primrose oil and edamame.
5. Avoid Xenoestrogen: In fact, some of the 70,000 registered chemicals for use in the United States have hormonal effects in addition to toxic effects. The effects of xenoestrogens are beginning to be researched and understood as contributing factors to a variety of health challenges, including estrogen dominance and obesity.
Sources include - commercially raised meat, canned foods, plastics, Styrofoam, some personal care products, pesticides, paints, some cosmetics, birth control pills & spermicide, some detergents, scents that contain phthalates and air fresheners ( get a small empty container fill with distilled water, purchase your favorite essential oil, add 10-20 drops cover, shake and spray in the air).
6.  Cleanse your body: The liver is the most important organ for hormone regulation. Both estrogen and androgen stimulate cell division.  Elevated levels of these hormones may lead to abnormal cell growth such as womens' uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, breast cysts, and breast cancer or mens' prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.  Since the liver is the principal organ which removes these hormones, its failure to remove them efficiently often leads to their accumulation in the body and is a major cause of the above diseases.
  The liver is amazingly regenerative!!! Cellular turnover is quite fast. Every cell in a healthy liver is replaced every forty days.
     These include burdock root, dandelion greens, artichokes, parsley, turmeric milk thistle, mustard greens(I found out my body  absolutely loves this, every time I steam them & eat I feel so much better), apples, brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots(I juice this every other day it works great in cleansing avoid adding citrus fruits to it when juicing. Best combination is carrots, apples, a little ginger, a little parsley and once juiced add a touch of turmeric). Chinese herbs that could work - Chinese Gentian & Coptis*. Stop use once pregnancy is confirmed.
     Take Chinese Bitters and Coptis *(I just used my carrot juice blend, steamed mustard greens & artichokes along with green tea) for at least one whole cycle, then followed by liver and gallbladder flush (apple juice or olive oil with lemon juice. google liver flush for recipe) just before the next period or on the first day of the period.  After the period, follow take the bitters and coptis. Estrogens are in their highest levels shortly before menstrual bleeding.  Liver and gallbladder flush during this time can bring down estrogens significantly.
  7.  Avoid herbs that are rich in alkaloids and other natural chemicals that stress the liver: including golden seal, senna, celandine, chaparral, lobelia, licorice, valerian, rhubarb root, cayenne, and poke root. Some sensitive people may find aromatic herbs such as peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, thyme, and lavender upsetting to their livers.  Some may find that their bodies don't mix well with essential oils - I absolutely recommend 5 drops maximum in a 4 ounce bottle if you must use one.
     Endometrial cells do not necessarily cause pain unless the estrogen level reaches a certain threshold that make the endometrial cells swell or congest thereby causing pain. Substantial evidence exists that endometriosis is dependent on estrogen for continued growth and proliferation .  Estrogen therapy has been shown to worsen gynecological conditions such as fibroids and endometriosis . Many endometriosis sufferers take painkillers regularly to control their pain.  Since painkillers are damaging to the liver and kidneys, they actually make their problems worse in the long run.

8. Deal with your emotions. Do you have emotional stress that might be hidden? Do you have unresolved anger, bitterness or sadness from the past? Have you forgiven those who caused such?

9. Find ways to give especially to those with kids that have a need. I found ways to be a blessing to those with kids and being a blessing in general. Give as God leads.

*Note consult a physician before embarking on any herbs suggested. I'm not a doctor. If using any herbs it is suggested to start with one slowly to see how your body reacts.  It took me months to find out what my body was allergic to and what it needed. I found out flaxseeds, soy, edamame, cow's milk, raw foods(raw carrots and raw veggies. Apparently my body loves steamed veggies. Radine also talked about it in the book), too much citrus foods was a no go for me. Knowing your body will take time but don't give up. God is faithful and you will conceive! 

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